i will no longer be the word-for-word gullible julie. i wont depend so heavily on the people i have around me, these so-called friends. to me, thats only a title. none of them can keep their word. those who promised "ill be there for you no matter what" are now gone. ive only a few i can trust now, that i can call my best friends. those are the ones who never said theyd by stick me, because they didnt have to say it out loud. i guess i always just knew.
boys will take no big part of my life now. theyre like chocolate cake; they'll be there for a minute, so sweet, but then theyre gone, leaving you with nothing but a stomachache. and their actions are just so unpredictable. one second he can make you feel like the happiest girl alive, and the next he'll shatter the thin ice youre standing on. he'll give you 1000 reasons to trust him, and he'll come up with 1000 ways to hold your heart with all the sweet bullshit that comes out of his bitter mouth. when hes done toying with you, he'll be gone in a flash, leaving you wondering why. who needs to be treated like that?
/ choolie.
saturday, october 25, 2k8

saturday, october 25, 2k8
for once, i didnt miss a number. roflol oh well.
i really really did wanna post last night but y'see, i kept putting it off (for bash, no less) and then i went to watch harry potter. i was watching harry potter, and then i fell asleep. by the time i woke up it was already like 12:00 and all i wanted to do was go back to sleep :/
I HAD A DREAM ABOUT HARRY POTTER THAT WAS PROBABLY INFLUENCD BY BLOSIA. it was like, me and harry were in the room with the mirror of erised and we were shuffling ahaha but then our shuffling woke up fluffy so we jumped down the trapdoor (i know, different parts of the movie) and when we landed, we started having seizures :/ and and then dumbledore came in and he did petrificus totalus on us so we stopped seizuring. it was weird.
can you believe all our yearlies are overrrr? woo! im relieved, but i still think it was cruel to make us spend the first 2 weeks of our last junior term slaving away over exams. harsshhh. another 2 weeks, and we'll have sc. after that is aaaaall fun :) good times ahead, lads!
it was commerce + pe exams yesterday, i think i did okay. not fantastic, but not terrible. the pe exam made me laugh heaps :L wtf was with all the chuck norris haha and the picture of david hasselhoff. on that picture, andrew do drew an arrow to his penis and wrote "shrinkage" ahahahha what a douche.
LUNCH was fun yesterday, i sat in the donut quad with justine (L) and all that, and played guitar for them :) LOL lisa was like all over me, demanding i play "fall for you" over and over again :L but it was heeeaaappss of fun. im thinking of asking my mum if im allowed to bring phoenix to school on monday or something. maybe a day i dont have too much to carry. that was one positive side to exams - light bags.
we never ended up having that massive waterfight yesterday, which was a bit disappointing, BUT i got to see ella + yena at cabra again which made up for everything :) hadnt seen them in like a monttthhh, but anna wasnt there. hopefully ill see her soon, sometime next week. i miss her toooo!
im in a good mood. yesterday was awesome and i woke up in time this morning to watch hannah montana AND wizards of waverley place. its so good! (Y) anyway, blog later when i think of something else to say.
for now im gonna go on bash :L its all i can really do right now, since im capped like no fucking tomorrow.
(*) dear hannah - metro station.
saturday, october 25, 2k8
saturday, october 25, 2k8
i should stop lying down while im on the net. but anyway, its end of exam weeeekkk almostt :) yaaaayyy i cannot wait! i hope the weather is good tomorrow afternoon (or should i say, this afternoon) so we can have that waterfight we've been planning! woooo! im pretty cheery for someone whos awake at 2am. and hungry. im hungry! hahahaha mi goreng.
friday, october 24, 2k8
What about a teakettle? What if the spout opened and closed when the steam came out, so it would become a mouth, and it could whistle pretty melodies, or do Shakespeare, or just crack up with me? I could invent a teakettle that reads me stories in my Dad's voice, so I could fall asleep, or maybe a set of kettles that sings the chorus of "Yellow Submarine", which is a song by the Beatles, who I love, because entomology is (not really) one of my raisons d'etre, which is a french expression that i know. Another good thing is that I could train my anus to talk when I farted. If I wanted to be extremely hilarious, I'd train it to say, "Wasn't me!" every time I made an incredibly bad fart. If I farted in the Hall of Mirrors, which is in Versailles, which is outside of Paris, which is in France, obviously, my anus would say, "Ce n'etai pas moi!"
What about little microphones? What if everyone swallowed them, and they played the sounds of our hearts through little speakers, which could be in the pouches of our overalls? When you skateboarded down the street at night you could hear everyone's heartbeat, and they could hear yours, sort of like sonar. One weird thing is, I wonder if everyone's hearts would start to beat at the same time, like how women who live together get their period at the same time, which is something I know about, but don't really wanna know about.
That would be so weird, except that the place in the hospital where babies are born would sound like a crystal chandelier on a houseboat, because the babies wouldn't have had time to match up their heartbeats yet. And at the finish line of a marathon, it would sound like war.
And also, there are so many times when you need to make a quick escape, but humans dont have their own wings, or not yet, anyway, so what about a birdseedshirt?
Isnt it so weird how the number of dead people is increasing even though the earth stays the same size, so that one day, there isnt going to be room to bury anyone anymore? I read somewhere that there are more people alive now than have died in all of human history. In other words, if everyone wanted to play Hamlet at once, they couldnt, because there aren't enough skulls.
So what about skyscrapers for dead people that were built down? They could be underneath the skyscrapers for living people that are built up. You could bury people one hundred floors down, and a whole dead world would be underneath the living one. Sometimes i think it would be weird if there were a skyscraper that moved up and down while its elevator stayed in place. So if you wanted to go to the 95th floor, you'd just press the 95 button, and the 95th floor would come to you. Also, that could be extremely useful, because if you're on the 95th floor, and a plane hits below you, the building could take you to the ground, and everyone could be safe, even if you left your birdseed shirt at home that day.
thursday, october 23, 2k8
the ocean for you,
whoa, oh kelsey
oh you, darling
yeah im still listening to that song :L
i had an.. interesting day today, to say the least. i woke up not wanting to go history at all. i mean, cmon. who wants to see purves' ugly mug so early in the morning? i had to come up with a plan. a plan to get me out of first period. so i went into the shower thinking, how am i going to do this? then i got an idea :L i pretended to fall over in the shower hahahaha and my mum was all "ohmigod you should lie down for a while." of course i put up the weak "but school..." arguments, knowing full well she'd insist on me resting. i used eyeshadow to make it look like i was developing a bruise. hahahahahahahahaha whatta sucker.
bad thing though is that when she called the school to tell them i was late, she talked to the office and said, "julies going to be a bit late today. she fell over in the shower." so when i DO get to school and ask the office lady for a late note, she asks me if i have a note from home. i told her my mum had called earlier and she said, "thats right! youre the one who slipped in the shower, the poor dear." then all the officeladies starting cooing over me :/ it was sickening. needless to say, i got out of there as quick as i could.
what else? ah yes, minor :D so funny today, we had mr payne watching over the food tech exam. what a JOKE. i couldve just walked around the room like normal and asked people for answers and he wouldve just continued to stare at sally/renee/mary/erin. that stupid paedo :L hahaha.
i just thought of what id call my band, if i had one. "maybe tomorrow." hahha. i like it. wait shit, i just googled it and theres already like 3 bands named that :/ 3 bands, 1 book and 1 stereophonics song. chsssssssssssttttttt.
tomorrow is major + pe exams. er, yay!
thursday, october 23, 2k8
Session Start: Wednesday, 22 October 2008
· - julie; a little bit clumsy.
· düşman kelimesinin anlamını arkadaş sıfatı taşıyanlardan öğrendim
(7:43 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(7:43 PM) -:
hi, whos this? :)
(7:43 PM) düşman kelimesin:
ım alper
(7:43 PM) -:
hello alperrrrr nice to meet you
(7:44 PM) -:
im julie, but im assuming you knew that cos you somehow found my email
(7:44 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(7:44 PM) -:
may i ask how you found me? (:
(7:45 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(7:45 PM) -:
(7:45 PM)
düşman kelimesinin anlamını arkadaş sıfatı taşıyanlardan öğrendim is now Offline
Session Start: Wednesday, 22 October 2008
·- julie; a little bit clumsy.
· düşman kelimesinin anlamını arkadaş sıfatı taşıyanlardan öğrendim
(10:04 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:04 PM) -:
(10:05 PM) düşman kelimesin:
how r u?
(10:05 PM) -:
not bad
(10:05 PM) -:
(10:05 PM) düşman kelimesin:
very vell
(10:05 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:05 PM) -:
so where you from?
(10:06 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:06 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:06 PM) -:
(10:06 PM) düşman kelimesin:
hımm okeyy very good
(10:06 PM) -:
(10:07 PM) -:
where did you get my email?
(10:07 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:07 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:07 PM) -:
oh ok cool
(10:07 PM) -:
i dont use my bebo so much anymore
(10:08 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:08 PM) düşman kelimesin:
you vepcam
(10:08 PM) -:
(10:09 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:10 PM) düşman kelimesin:
you photes
(10:10 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:10 PM) -:
lol not really
(10:10 PM) düşman kelimesin:
Session Start: Wednesday, 22 October 2008
· - julie; a little bit clumsy.
· düşman kelimesinin anlamını arkadaş sıfatı taşıyanlardan öğrendim
(10:10 PM)
- julie; a little bit clumsy. has changed his/her status to Online
(10:19 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:19 PM) -:
(10:20 PM) düşman kelimesin:
ı love you :S
(10:20 PM) -:
(10:20 PM) düşman kelimesin:
yes real
(10:21 PM) -:
wanna see some of my pics?
(10:21 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:21 PM) -:
(10:21 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:22 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:22 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:22 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:22 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:22 PM) düşman kelimesin:
you gay?
(10:22 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:23 PM)
düşman kelimesinin anlamını arkadaş sıfatı taşıyanlardan öğrendim just sent you a nudge.
(10:23 PM) -:
haha, and youre a pervert.
(10:23 PM) düşman kelimesin:
you female?
(10:23 PM) düşman kelimesin:
(10:23 PM)
düşman kelimesinin anlamını arkadaş sıfatı taşıyanlardan öğrendim just sent you a nudge.
(10:23 PM) -:
stop nudging me you cunt
(10:23 PM) -:
stupid paedophile
(10:23 PM) -:
get the fuck out
(10:23 PM)
düşman kelimesinin anlamını arkadaş sıfatı taşıyanlardan öğrendim has been blocked
wednesday, october 22, 2k8
how would i feel to see you reading these posts, squirming in your seat? because i know you do, or at least will at some point. because i know your curiosity will get the best of you. because i know you. is it killing you from the inside out, to see that i can do just fine without you?
school, love, family, friends, money. its all about sorting out my priorities.
but what would you know about that?
wednesday, october 22, 2k8
i cant believe "shake it" made it big before this song. its.. amazing. its been a long while since a song made me feel like this, its just too good for words. im learning to play it on the guitar, it isnt hard at all - F C Am G. just gotta work out the strum pattern :)
official music vid here
also, i forgot to say hbd to meera. happy birthdayyyy meeerraaamuffinnnn :)
wednesday, october 22, 2k8
i tried to do handstands for you, i tried to do headstands for you
everytime I fell on you, yeah everytime i fell
i tried to do handstands for you, but everytime i fell for you
im permanently black and blue, permanently blue for you
I AM IN A PARTICULARLY GOOD MOOD TODAY. all hard/important exams are done! maths was really lame today, but oh well. not much i can do now, so i dont really see the point in worrying. makes me laugh, all the people who are like "oh god i did question number blah blah wrong cos the exponential of the blah blah is actually 43 and not blah blah like i thought blah blah so now my life is blah blah over." funny funny boys and girls. why fret? only causing yourself unnecessary mental anguish.
roflol my class had arriola for history in period 3 today. SHES SO FUNNY! everyone was talking while she tried to take the roll so she was like, "IT IS IMPOLITE TO BE TOHKING AT THE SAME TIME OF THE TEEECHER" bahahaha me and garner cracked up the moment she said that, and then numerous random moments for the next hour. and she mispronounced shirleys name, so it sorta came out like "sherla" or "shayla" which also made us laugh :L
did you know sarah sucks at guitar hero? haha
got to hear christinas song at lunch today, its really good :) cant believe she wrote it herself, its pro as. after spending first half in the music room with christina, nat, amanda, tien and mariam, i had to go to spppoooorrttt. luckily i made the bus this time :D ...just.
bowling was.. okay i guess. at one point i bowled too early and it hit the rakey thing before it went up, and then it got jammed or something and wouldnt move. mr faulds told me off :/ me and justine guitar hero battled and i wonnnnn :D for most of the time anyway. we went breadtop and got choc horns and mango pancakesss, it was yummy. went drama shop and everything, and on the way back to station we ran into john and tien :) so we went.. back to breadtop haha. tien had to leave so waited with john for my bus and went homeeee. goody gumdrops.
loloololol mango pancake club!
wednesday, october 22, 2k8
if i leave town, would you leave along with me?
and we could fly away to outer space
or we could find a way to leave this place
we dont need a map and you can throw your phone away
we dont wanna hear the things you know theyre gonna say
you don't trust yourself but girl, trust me
dont look in the mirror, the past you dont wanna see
what do you say we leave for California
if we drive all night, we can make it by the morning
and no one has to know if we decide to go, oh
what do you say we leave for California
if we leave our friends then we could be together
we could leave this town if only for the weather
i could drive and you could sleep
while the radio collides to the sound of our heartbeats
hypnotized, by the carbon monoxide
would turning back be a good idea?
cigarette after cigarette, cannot help to calm your fear
what do you say we leave for California
if we drive all night, we can make it by the morning
and no one has to know if we decide to go, oh
what do you say we leave for California
now im still driving, just keep sleeping
we'll keep moving but im not leaving
no im not leaving
what do you say we leave for California
if we drive all night, we can make it by the morning
and no one has to know if we decide to go, oh
what do you say we leave for California

tuesday, october 21, 2k8
cos i was born to tell you i love you
and i am torn to do what i have to
to make you mine, stay with me tonight
hit 1000 pageviews sometime today! yay haha.
well anyway, i hate this school! i hate exams :/
i guess we all do to some extent but i really really.. REALLY hate it. the only subject i really enjoy at all is commerce. yay commerce :D speaking of commerce, in commerce, i got 75/80 for a commerce assignment i did in commerce about commerce for commerce. wooo! i beat tien haha.
it wassss the english yearly today, can anyone say epic fail? i sat there for a whole 20 minutes, just staring at my paper. total mind blank! chssssttt. all those texts and stuff were boring anyway, i wanted to fall asleep. i do not care about stay-at-home fathers.
YUCK maths yearly tomorrow. i was wondering right, they tell us to sit in alphabetical order but.. how do they know if we dont? itll probably be some random teacher who doesnt have a class, not mr faulds or whatever. still though, im not looking forward to it. i never look forward to maths. or any subject. except commerce :D LOL HI TIEN. "he came good." but like.. im looking forward to that total relief ill feel when all this week is over. i guess school cert is still coming, but thats in week 5 and itll be a total cinch. whos up for a massive water fight on friday when all yearlies are done? :D woo lol itll be great. unless the weather isnt... hot.
roflolmao! mariam had another mariam moment today. i was playing with johnnys crutches and they were too high for me so im like swinging myself around and stuff, so i say to mariam, "i should be a pole vaulter dontcha think?" TO WHICH SHE REPLIES, "is that like, some kind of stripper thing?"
haha, i love mariam.
stripped and polished, i am new, i am fresh
i am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
cos every breath that you will take when you are sitting next to me
will bring life into my deepest hopes, whats your fantasy?
tuesday, october 21, 2k8
yeah its 2am. going to sleep now :D
tuesday, october 21, 2k8
monday, october 20, 2k8
today wasnt so bad i guess, 'cept andrew do kept getting up my nose. that stupid little prick is so annoying. not really much to blog about just yet, except another mariam moment that happened at lunch. if its not funny, you probably had to be there :/
mariam: hey so like, if someones mute, cant they just open and close their mouth and make random sounds?
everyone else: er.. if theyre mute, they cant make any noise at all.
mariam: oh, i thought that was just when youre deaf.
AAHHHH YEEEPPPP! haha yeah, the mute topic came up again. i am probably going to take a nap now, or watch tv. OHEMGEE TEENBUZZ IS ON IN LIKE 3 MINUTESSSSSS. before i go;
- happy one month to mariam the mute and tonyyy
- happy 16th to morgan and joshposhbosh
monday, october 20, 2k8
if youve ever felt beyond sad, completely and utterly disappointed, or totally betrayed - then maybe you know where im coming from. its like one minute youre fine, and the next minute something happens that makes you think -- i mean really think -- and then youre totally empty. the only thoughts that are in your head are negative and it makes you feel totally alone, like you dont mean anything to anyone. all you want to do is tell someone how you feel, but you dont want their pity, and even if you could tell someone, nothing would come out right. you dont want to laugh or smile, or whine, or argue, or even be stubborn or difficult. you just want to go to bed and cry and hope this feeling passes, and sometimes it does, but it always seems to come back. you think that all your friends hate you and only talk to you because they feel bad for you. you know complete strangers judge you just because of how you look and how you act, and you think about how you're not as beautiful as the crowd that surrounds you. and of the two people that are supposed to love you the most in the world, one left you, and the other has to scream at you sometimes because they get angry and upset too. you feel like you will probably search your whole life for that one person that you can totally trust that you can love forever, who will never ever hurt you, but you know somewhere deep down that youll probably never find him. he probably doesnt even exist, so you just give up. you want so desperately to be alone, but at the same time you fear it so much. you know how it feels to know that youre a bad person, to let your friends down and always be selfish, isolated, self conscious, bitter, whiny, and obsessive. you listen to what everyone else has to say, but you never tell them how YOU feel, because that would mean revealing part of yourself, and you just can't do that; the more someone knows about you, the easier it is for them to hurt you. and your opinion wouldn't matter to them anyway, and most of all, if you took the time to sit down and try to get all your feelings out for the first time in your life, it would be completely overwhelming and if anyone ever listened to all of that, they probably wouldnt know what so say anyway, to make it all better. there isn't a way to explain it to someone who doesn't already understand. if you could want anything in the world it would be to be alone. people have stopped being comforting.. and being alone never was. it sucks when youve been a disease all your life, when every time you try, every time you reach for something you want its taken away. it sucks when you cant see the truth right in front of you. i used to think i had myself all figured out, but now i feel like i have to get to know me all over again, and go through all these obstacles to learn everything i used to know.. ever feel like that? gut feelings arent always gut feelings, and the light at the end of the tunnel may be yet another train about to run you down. breaking promises that youve made to yourself is like suicide and im sick of slitting my wrists every fucking night. im sorry that im a lazy fuck, im sorry i never do anything right, im sorry ill never live up to your high expectations. im just trying to make it through today. ill worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.
monday, october 20, 2k8
i should probably study. i sure as hell wont be able to sleep.
sunday, october 19, 2k8
SPEAKING OF SEVENTEEN OH MY GOSH. in seventeen magazine, robert pattinson said that he had a crush on kristen stewart, and that he dreamt about her that night. like wthhhhh. for non-losers such as myself, robert pattinson and kristen stewart are the actors playing the two main characters in the upcoming Twilight movie. im so... jealous :/
haha yknow whats funny? when people avoid you cos theyve done something wrong, so even if you didnt know they did something wrong, you notice theyre avoiding you and you figure out that theyve done something wrong. like i said, how did you expect me not to find out?
so anyway, do you guys like the improvements i made to my blog? :D first of all, i got a waaayyy better music player from MyFlashFetish and its soooo cute haha. and ALSO i got my fixed bg to work. woo :D innit prittyyyy? lol sorry, im a bit high cos ive been browsing all my favourite sites, and pissing myself laughing. heres a listtt :)
baaasssshhh! (of course)
QDB which is similar to bash, but not as good.
FailBlog which is like the other two, but pictures of well... fail.
Engrish Funny, all shit thats been badly translated into english.
aaaaannddd: Goatse has lots of pictures, all of goats funnily enough.
lol so yeah. thats how i spend most of my time. id like to say welcomeeeee to christina, who got a blogspot today :) everyone be sure to visit The Orange Code. what else? oh, happy 16th birthday to morgan for tomorrow in case i dont go online and i also wanna wish really really GOOD LUCK to everyone in my grade, cos we have yearlies this week.
sunday, october 19, 2k8
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
* After a long long idle pause *
c4_faker: ...silence is a form of consent...
zeedo: so you can rape a mute woman legally?
zeedo: nice
c4_faker: hahahhahaa
c4_faker: whats she gunna do...scream in sign language?
c4_faker: :P
zeedo: yeh, they call it "punching"
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
LOL! ahahahhaha
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
its true yeaaah
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
lol can you rape a mute woman legally ?
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
rape is illegal no matter who you do it to
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
its RAPE! my gosh mariam
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
true true
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
how botu if you just had sex with a mute woman ? she couldnt say anything right ? like to stop you
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
so she couldnt testify rape yeah ? cos you could just say she didnt say anything ..
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
..why are you thinking about this?
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
we dont know any mutes
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
dont get your hopes up
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
LOL it was just logical thinking ! :L
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
i am not =[
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
i hate you :@
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
i rest my case
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
you hate me cos you know im right.
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
its the stupid website =[
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
bash is awesome (H)
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
then we are in agreeance :)
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
agreeance isnt a word
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
yes it is you dumbshit :L
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
oh crap
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
hold on
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
i will :@
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
so it is =[
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
yknow, that entire argument couldve gone on bash? roflmao
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
no cos its msn ! lol
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
the names dont show up on the sides like that :)
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
yeah i know, but it wouldve been a good bash quote haha
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
it can go on my blog :L
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
fuck you :@
- julie; stay with me, or watch me bleed. says:
i love you :)
- × mariaam ‹3 tony says:
i hate you terribly
heres something else funny. jordan is a funny boy.
(10:19 PM) - Jordan:
(10:19 PM) - Jordan:
im an idiot
(10:19 PM) - julie; :
(10:19 PM) - Jordan:
bug flew in front of my face
(10:20 PM) - Jordan:
and i went to hit it
(10:20 PM) - Jordan:
but i hit my nose
(10:20 PM) - Jordan:
and now its bleeding
now that youre finished reading, go to :)
sunday, october 19, 2k8
mmm. well, that whole mood-killing thing yesterday? im over it. if anything, it was just a momentary lapse in my.. thingy. cos im used to being let down like that. its always "im so so so sorry" or "i didnt know" and "it wont happen again, i swear." but yknow what? i get it. you cant make everyone happy all the time, right? i understand. im tired of understanding. all i ever do is understand. what gets to me though, is that i know ill be fed all those words and meaningless phrases, and then still go back to that place ive been standing for so long, continually being disappointed by the people i thought were my friends.
how did you expect me not to find out? ..didnt you think about how i would feel? you pride yourself on being such a thinker. well i think youre bad for me. i give and i give and in return you give me empty promises, or no promises at all. but i care too much, and as little as ive needed you these four years, i still wanted to be the person you came to with your problems, the person you trusted to help you out, keep your secrets, always be there. you make it so hard for me to be that person.
i just.. need a break. i guess i let this whole situation get to me this time because it was.. different. you lied to my face. and i smiled, said "alright", and walked away. in hindsight, i can only wonder how you mustve felt standing there knowing you'd just fed me utter bullshit, and that i believed it. why? because i trust you. i trusted you. and i know im not the perfect friend either, i make mistakes too. i lose my temper much too often, im the most stubborn person on the planet.. maybe i just expect too much. but youve done this so many times, and i cant for the life of me see why i always forgive you. maybe i dont. maybe i just stow away every mistake youve ever made in the back of my mind, so whenever im with you, im not reminded of every time youve hurt me. i set myself up for the fall.
sunday, october 19, 2k8