Saturday, November 15, 2008
/ WOLFNINJAKPJOKERhello to everybody who is reading this blog entry. i am quite new to this and quite frankly am not very "blog-inspired". However, due to friend obligations i am here ...blogging...might as well make the most of it.
who am i?well you can refer to me as
wolfninjakpjoker, you may have seen my
youtube account - i play guitar and sing :)
being an aspiring musician i will use shameless self promotion throughout my blog and most probably force fellow bloggers to do likewise.
what is my favourite word at the moment?it is "
mottled"...dont know what it means - look it up :)
oh and i will leave you with this quick note:
ALL ICED TEA...i repeat...
ALL ICED TEA that is not labelled as decaffinated has caffein....
i learnt that the heard way consuming one litre of peach flacvoured nestea..
oh wells, i guess i will be seeing all of you around.
JOKEQ. whats a pirates favourite msn abbreviation?
8:37 pm Saturday 15 november
/ this off quyens blog, and decided to try it myself. our results werent so different actually:
check it out

The "Advocate"
- described as creative, resourceful, assertive, spontaneous, life-loving, charismatic, passionate and experimental.
- they can't bear to miss out on what is going on around them; they must experience, first hand, all the significant social events that affect their lives.
- warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential.
- they live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others
- they can talk their way in or out of anything. they love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it
- outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking.
- friends are what life is about. they hold up their end of the relationship, sometimes being victimized by less caring individuals.
- are energized by being around people. Some have real difficulty being alone, especially on a regular basis.
lol, what do you think?
saturday, november 15, 2k8

Friday, November 14, 2008
Lol I'm on christinas hiptop right now, its so fun haha I totally want one. Like, foshizzz. I can't format or anything, but that's alright cos I can always edit when I get home.
Currently in commerce watching some video about crepes, mmm good haha. Its so darn hot at the moment, I just wanna get out of school. Its closed weekend though which is good :D
I had to wake up early this morning to run over to livo eb games. My mission, which I chose to accept, was to pick up brittany's preordered wow expansion pack. Yeah, wow. I woke up at like 6 and by the time I left and got to EB it was around 730? The guy was like, ''sorry we don't open for another half hour'' so I had to almost come on to him just so he'd let me in. Do you know what its like flirt with the ugliest fucker on the planet? Rofl
I eventually got in, and he even gave me two posters instead of one :D lol, and when I say he was the ugliest person on the planet, I really mean it. Fat, bald and the kind of guy that looks like he's never spoken to a girl before.
So anyway, yeah, I even got to school like way early. Before garner :D
BRB train
lol, so i started running for the train at the end of commerce and never really got to finish. after school was plenty of fun though (: nobody had planned to do anything for closed weekend, but things turned out alrighti got off at livo with a bunch of people; john, steven, tien, quyen, christina, grace, carmen, anne, yoland, vivian, many many many. met up with mariam at some point. got to perve on the gloria jeans guy hahaha hes yum. went shopping around, got quyens dress. everyone had to leave after half an hour or so, so i walked around with mariam until about .. say 4:30 / 5? we found her a suuuuuuper pretty dress, it looks perfect on her. we had a few ahem "mishaps" in the changeroom though ahahaha roflspeaking of dresses, i tried mine on when i got home. thankyou paaauulieeee its perfect :D:D:D its fits well, if not a tiny bit too short. means im growing? haha i really cant wait for the formal, its gonna be a shitload of funapart from trying on my dress once i got home, i didnt really do much. around 8 o'clock though i fell asleep watching avatar, prolly cos i was so hot and tired, and i didnt even wake up until this morning. no actually, i woke up at 4am and found my laptop was still on. hahaha kevin had messaged me "duuuuuude" at like 1am probably to tell me to go to bad when i in fact was already sleeping haha oh wellsi woke up early this morning and i watched saturday disney. like all of it. and then they played high school musical, which i watched that too. now im going to finish watching avatar. bye-ohhhh!/ choolie.saturday, november 15, 2k812:39pm.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
we skipped class that day,i guess our heads needed a breakbut our bodies stayed busyi know that you still miss mei give and you take ittwo summers been wastedshould we give up or save itwill this make sense at allafter the fall did you have to turn your backif it ever didnt last two yearsand six monthshave you even looked back once?your body felt like summerbut we spent the fall apartand we'll know by decemberthe cold could rememberi give and you take it
two summers been wasted
should we give up or save it
will this make sense at all
after the fall, after the fall/ choolie.thursday, november 13, 2k810:19pm.
THANKS FOR BLOGGING PAULIE, I LOVE YOU (:AND MY DRESSSSSS IM SO EXCITED! cant cant cant cant waaaitt to see it!weeeeeeeeeeeeee this has put me in a supremely good moodi forget the things i mean to blog i think, cos i got home at about 5, showered, and then watched tv until i fell asleep during the simpsons. i didnt even wake up until like half an hour ago :/ today was an alright day for the most part, until we got on the trains anyway. but ill explain that later. i really really wish i could upload stuff right now, cos i took so many pics and vids today. darn :/ i bet once i get my hands on a USB6 cable, ill like full hardcore upload stuff from the past two weeks hahaEVENTS WORTH NOTING;- computer scthe last three had to do it in the first two periods this morning. can we say piss easy? i finished first in the class with 58 minutes to spare, so i played guitar hero until a few more people had finished. then we played cards, listened to music etc. last to finish were herrick and fletch haha. i didnt even like, try, just cos it was so stupid.- recess
hahah i was wearing mongers humooooonngousss aviators all through recess, they were effing hot! kept sliding off my face though.
- mathswas freaking laaaameee! mariam killed my calculator :/ itll never be the same again ever ever. she full liquid papered it shitly all over the back, and now it looks disgusting :@:@:@:@:@- commerceOH. EM. GEE. TIEN, IM GOING TO KILL YOU. she embarassed our whole commerce group today -________-" we had to do little presentations for a fake election and she acted like a TOTAL IDIOT. she puts on the "kid voice" and starts talking nonsensically so nobody can understand what the hell shes saying, and mid-sentence she like.. slaps herself in the face? and im like WTF ARE YOU DOING and shes like "im shaking" my god. its safe to say we lost that election.- trainduuuuudeee i hate those little year 7 fuckers in our carriage. are the grades getting more annoying? they constantly piss me off, i swear theyre all gonna get knocked out one day. im gonna kill them all :@:@:@well anyway, our train wasnt moving today. long story short, some fat drunk guy pissed himself in one of the carriages and eeeeveryone had to get off and catch the next train. it was a millenium anyway, so it wasnt so bad. sooo stinking hot today. apparently the dude was physically and verbally abusing people? that would explain why there was like, cops on the platform. rofl.
the fat drunk
maybe he needed these
i went around cabra with kevin/grace/carmen for a bit, and then i caught the bus home. yeah.
so i was thinking right, now that people other than myself are going to be making posts, we should have some sort of system for identifiying the author of an entry from the start. maybe just a tag at the beginning of the post, or a different font? paul / amanda talk to me about it when you see this
gotta gooooooo bye i love you all :)
nts; things to talk about next time
- year 11 subjects
- formal
- hobonoshu / roy
/ choolie.
thursday, november 12, 2k8

hey allll!
today was pretty ordinary. we played who wants to a millionare in geo with miss pham and it was so lol. the easiest question was the 1 million dollar question and billy cai made our group lose by giving us wrong answers. eng was stupid, mr kolodziej trying to be good teacher.
anyway, lets get to the point. guess what i found at home today. thats right, julie's dress (;
i was going to try it on :L but she asked me not to and plus it was too small haha
and mabel is cool! i was in a convo with her and anh just then.
Mabes - Disturb: | lol i actually agree my dad is wayyyy more louder than me seriously |
20410132 | Dont: | rofl.... a louder male version of mabel o god |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | omgg.. |
20410132 | Dont: | god bless us all
Mabes - Disturb: | and rouder |
20410132 | Dont: | err.... ><" |
Mabes - Disturb: | i am serious!!! he swears his head off |
20410132 | Dont: | that wasnt a word mabel |
Mabes - Disturb: | i know whats an alternative word? |
20410132 | Dont: | lol u spelt it wrong |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | ? |
Mabes - Disturb: | okay thesaurus |
Mabes - Disturb: | how do you spell rude-er? |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | .. lol |
20410132 | Dont: | prt scrn  |
Mabes - Disturb: | prt scrn? whats that?? |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | omg. |
lol and then
Mabes - Disturb: | !!!! what the hell does that mean?? |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | lmao. |
Mabes - Disturb: | part scorned? |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | yes mabel. part scorned. |
Mabes - Disturb: | NO ANH!!!! TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS!!! |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | hahaha i told you |
20410132 | Dont: | lol u know mabel would be like "omg! theres a fly on my monitor! prtscrn!" |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | part scorned hahahas |
Mabes - Disturb: | well thats what it LOOKED like prt scrn-ed?? |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | lmaoooooooo |
Mabes - Disturb: | prt scrn you allll |
oя℮ ga ℮pн℮м℮яαℓ: | O-o my god. |
and of course the best part
Mabes - Disturb: | AHHHHHHHHHHH i hate / prtsrn you all |
ah mabel, bless your soul =)
-- paulie =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
in reference to blog seventy by julie ;
that the 11/11/08 was exactly 90years since the end of WWI ? yeahhh . my mum thought she'd tell me that incase i needed it for my history exam :L i was walking out of the house to my bus stop when she came back from driving kelly to the station and stopped me and told me that and wish me good luck LOL
nothing muchh happened today .. spent recess at interact, which reminds me. BUY SNOW CONES FROM US ONE 25TH NOV :D in exactly 1week and 6days : ) i'll give you more topping if you ask nicely :D
went over the line with mariam at lunch to get wedges and realised how common an issue divorce is. that morning alone, we had watched 2 movies involving divorce - in jungle2jungle tim allen went to some far away place to find his wife to sign a divorce document ? and in cyclone. twister. one of those geography videos where there's some sort of weather bad thing. hm .
sport was such a bludgeee ahaha sat around the main quad then sneaked into the music rooms with tien, christina and anne . christina is so good at making up songs D: she can just make a really good .. tune ? song ? on the spot.
i think i'm going to drop chem for legal ? so i'll be doing adv english ; ext. 1 maths ; business ; physics ; legal . yessss .
amandaaaa ♥ bbt

...episodes 2 - 7 of my Book of Fire are missing.this sucks :// choolie.wednesday, november 12, 2k89:02pm.
today was laaamee, nothing happened. a few little things here and there but nothing major. 10M, E and R i think did their computer sc? im looking forward to the 2 hour bludge tomorrow haha. we had ag today, which was a bludge. just watering potatoes and stuff for a bit, but most of us ended up sitting around and letting udit/nick/monger work lol. talked about formal (:after that was mathsss, total bludge. IVE HEARD ARRIOLA SAY ITTT! SHE SAID "SCUZE MEH!" :D:D:D hahahhaa i was waiting for it all period. she wasnt so bad yknow, let us play cards or listen to music whatever. normal merino classes got to stay together cos so many people were missing for comp sc. MONGER LEMME PLAY LOCOROCO2 ON HIS PSP AND IT WAS SO CUTE ^^ haha, and andrew do spent the period watching "not another teen movie" on my ipod. it was sort of embarassing sitting next to him cos he kept doing random things throughout the lesson like going "OHHHHHHHH!" spontaneously or just laughing real loud.recess was alright, sarah kidnapped my ds. played with my car with random people for the most part, which was fun. after that was english. metua is still making us work -_____-" we spent the whole period going over obamas acceptance speech? and our homework was to turn it into a poem. his acceptance speech. a poem. im thinking something along the lines of:barack obama,president of the u.sobamarama!i like it :) hahaha. lunch was spent once again with paul, taking photos of stuff and trying to snap one of those cool foohy rulers, with the lava lamp type thingy in them. I WISH I HAD A STUPID CABLE. THEN I COULD UPLOAD VIDS AND PICS :@:@:@ grrrrsport was lame, just watched movies on my ipod. walked about cabra with justine for a while, went gloria jeans, met up with amanda and winnie. i caught the bus home cos it was SO HOT today. i was so darn tired by the time i got home that i slept from like 3:30 to 5 lol. im thinking right now about watching the grudge, but im a real wuss so ill probably end up watching avatar hahaill tell you later what i decide on :)/ choolie.wednesday, november 12, 2k87:04pm.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
LOL previous post- was number 69- was written by amandoooodddyyy!maybe you should sign next time, love? ;)ask me on msn for co-bloggerness!im real eager to shaaaare with people :Dalso, did you realise that today is the eleventh of the eleventh? lol./choolie.tuesday, november 11, 2k810:36pm.
sixtynine ?
i think this is blog number 69 ? ahahah SC IS OVER !! :D :D
now i can online window shop all i want : ) .. not that i kinda stopped for sc anyway lmao !
amanda says:
online window shopping :L
Jeffrey says:
they've got windows online?!
amanda says:
amanda says:
noo yknow the term window shopping ?
amanda says:
i'm doing the same thing, but online ahahah
Jeffrey says:
looking through windows and the prices?
Jeffrey says:
amanda says:
but i'm sure people do sell windows online ?
amanda says:
no no :L
Jeffrey says:
amanda says:
window shopping is shopping without buying anything lmao !
Jeffrey says:
...i don't shop much
AHAHAA gooood one jeffrey (Y) rofl !
OMGOSHHH i saw this hottest poster with wu chun & jerry & show in it ! but show didn't really look .. as amazing as the other two ahaha i can upload pictures onto this, yes ? .. this page is taking a while to load =/
load it next time : ) it's been 10 minutes, and it hasn't even loaded half the page . oh dear =/ i think i'm capped ! : (
well anyway ; it's late ! i'm sleeping :L
oh, and happy 18th birthday natasha ! : )

woooooo todays blog has a little something special. paul has decided to contribute a little, with a paragraph of his own for this entry. the whole idea thought gave me the concept of co-bloggers, so if any of you wanna be part of the blog, just tell me on msn and we'll figure something out (:
ok, so. i was totally hyper today cos the sc is ooooooverrrrrr! woo, except computers. but who cares about that? maths was so much easier than i thought itd be today, they all were. im hoping for/expecting to get bands 5 or maaaybe 6 for english and science, and bands 4 or 5 for maths, geo and history. and i swear if i dont get a band 6 for computers im going to be a failure for the rest of my life :L
your cursor is in the middle of the screen. you move your mouse to the right. where is your cursor now?
a) at the top
b) to the left
c) to the right
d) at the bottom
e) in the middle
so yeah, it was aaaall good. some old lady farted in bonnies face today. she was leaning over to check someone elses paper and bonnie, who was sitting behind her, got a faceful of fart hahaha and everyone within a 2desk radius tried not to laugh.
also during the exam, someone phone went off on the stage and played some really weird song. i think it was simons? oh and and i forgot to mention yesterday that halfway throught he science sc, jordan bush's phone in his pocket started making machine gun noises like the ones on andrew do's phone :L:L
SPEAKING OF ANDREW DO! this was today :
and this is the bit you DIDNT expect :

is anybody else requestioning his sexuality?
so anyway, we finished a little after the bell again today, but not so late that SOME people who ran still made the normal train. i was chill though, catching the late train is no biggie (H) i got to hang out with paul and the gang on the station a bit, so it was good. went cabra after, hanged out with anh/kevin/jamie for a bit, met up with ella/ying/yena/allan/bao for a little and caught the bus home (:
I GOT TO WATCH STORM HAWKSSSS WOOO! did you know that ben soo likes storm hawks too? hahaha but i fell asleep in avatar :/ i already watched that episode anywayyy (: now before cutting to pauls bit i just wanna say happy one month to yena and allan and also congratulations to everyone in my grade for getting through the sc. happy daaaysss!
ok guys, julie wanted me to coblog but i was still recovering from the trauma of todays SC maths exam so ill try my best to tell you all about it, sorry for any mistakes =)
the exam... i picked up the paper, my hand trembling terribly as the andrenaline rushed through my blood and i hade to wipe my sweaty palms on my shorts as the maths paper stared at me. i flicked through nearly fainting at the vast amount of questions, and i could hear the ticking sound of the clock counting down. and i quickly blinked away the tears as fear rushed through me and i picked up my ben to answer the first questions
ah yeah ahahaha, good typo "pick up my ben" it was kinda rushed, and totally not making fun of anyone at all :L but hopefully, co-written blogs will come more often :D ciao!
tuesday, november 11, 2k8

Monday, November 10, 2008
amanda's "present" so anyway, today was the first two school cert exams; english and science. english was piss easy and science was a bit harder, but still alright. i had at least half an hour left over in both exams. after finishing science, i got so bored that i wrote metro station lyrics all over my forearm :D it looks mad haha.didnt finish science until about 5 - 10 past 3 so everybody missed the train. went across the line to get magnumss (: LOOOOOL SO MANY MARIAM MOMENTS ON THE TRAIN! two of the best;1) me: omg i just laughed like a mariammariam: EW, .. i said mariam.mariam: ......oh.2) she was playing with a lighter, and it didnt light the first two times but she kept flicking. on the third time, it actually lit up and she screamed like she'd never seen fire before in her life, it was hilarious hahahahalso at one point, both mariam and amanda were trying to "hug" with their eyes which was.. interesting. im sure not many of you have ever looked at the two people sitting across from you, and have them both rolling their eyes around as if they have down syndrome.'got off at cabra and ran into ella, ying and joanna. talked for a bit and somehow was separated from tien, justine and nikki? ella and i eventually found them again at the library. had an .. interesting encounter at the library. well has everyone seen that reeeeeal scary looking chick in cabra who always carries lots of bags, dresses in the dark and always has lipstick on her teeth? well me and ella talked to her today :D lena, cindy and saowandy sitting at the next table were laughing the whoooole time, just cos she was so and justine are thinking of cosplaying for next years animani/smash.. would anyone like a project over the holidays? contact either of us to book a character in our cosplay crewww :D characters from what game you ask? PHOENIX WRIGHT :D:D:D:D so that means like phoenix, mia, maya, edgey, franziska, whoever :D so so so yeah, talk to us :D/ choolie.monday, october 10, 2k810:14pm.

Sunday, November 9, 2008
i really do wonder how long ill bother with this blog. ive done a couple of practice science tests online for the past hour or so, getting anything between 75 - 95% which isnt too bad :D im going to sleeeeeeep early tonight, maybe after i finish watching finding nemo haha just wanna wish everyone soooooper good luck with sc cos after that we can bludge (:(:HEY MISTER GRUMPY GILLSwhen life gets you down, yknow what you gotta do?just keep swimming, just keep swimmingwhat do we do? we swim, swim, swimps, i am now officially dating eponie? hmm./ choolie.sunday, november 9, 2k89:55pm.
BLEEECCCHHH DONT WANNA STUDY.broooooooo i am so so so so so not bothered with this stupid sc. its too hot to do anything productive today anyway :/ what, you ask, have i been doing all morning? well i woke up at around like, 9 or 10 and made pancakes. and then i ate them while watching cinderella story :D:D then i got on the net, and thats where ive been since. i visited neopets before, and it was like seeing a childhood friend for the first time in 10 years. brings back so many memories :L the whole site looks so differentmy ears are starting to itch like crazy, its pissing me off. the constant tickleeeee on my eeeeaarr lobeeeesss D: i wanna scratch but im scared ill like, rip out the earring and.. make lots.. of.. blood. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.nts; shows/movies paul should burn for me (:- forgetting sarah marshall- what happens in vegas- ATAPSSSS DARNIT- transformers- dawons creek s2- gossip girl s2- burn notice- psych- battle royale- the corpse bride- forrest gump- potc movies- napoleon dynamite- hot fuzz- i am legend- be kind, rewind- horton hears a who- speed racer- the happening- the love guru- wall-e- 27 dressesthats it for now i think :L:Ljust wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to steveeeennn and HAPPY ONE YEAR to eponie and yen (: gonna go for a shower now. hahaha./ choolie.sunday, november 9, 2k83:34pm.