okayyyy, well julie told me to post more often so here it is (:
i dn`t really have anything much to blog about .. but i was just thinking ; the .. im not sure what you would call it .. word -ish ? " jajajaja " it would kinda be the noise stabbing someone would make if stabbing was to have a noise .. like in those asian fighting movies ? yeaaah ? .. well just a thought since i just wasted 10 minutes of my life discussing that on msn ..
anywhooooo i found this awesommee video on youtube !
check it out ! its cathy nguyen & randolf permejo singing a song they wrote ; very very good :)
hmm .. well theres nothing else much to blog about ; except i got to ride in a totally awesome car on friday ! ill leave you with that :) check it out ! it had hydraulics =D
-- mariam