ok, so. just got back from a long and tedious family dinner. food? acceptable. company? not so much. i swear i cant leave the house without having an argument with my mum, shes so infuriating. even when we dont leave the house we're at eachothers necks.
i was waiting for her to get ready so we could leave, so i pulled out my pe media scrapbook and flip through it. she comes in after a bit and asks if im studying for my school certificate exams. "nah."
"whats that then?"
"pe scrapbook. did you know you lose 10 - 15% more weight if you take a walk 45 minutes after eating?"
"well you dont need to worry about stuff like that anyway."
for a minute i thought she had decided to maybe read some book on good parenting and nurturing your kids. could it be true that she actually does love me, and accepts me the way i am? *hopeful* then i realise what she really means is that i dont need to worry about "stuff like that" because im MEANT to be worrying about sc. mm good.
then dinner. so we're sitting at the table, me, her and the boyfriend. theyre talking blahhhh blah blah while some fat chick sings celine dion in the background. we went milano btw, near lansvale hotel. pretty swanky place. so im listening to my ipod and after completely ignoring me for like 15 minutes (which i prefer in any case) she turns to me and says "YOU DONT LISTEN TO MUSIC DURING A FAMILY DINNER." the fuck? so i wait til she's not looking and thread my earphone through my jumper. ive already lost my appetite by this point.
the food comes, we start etc but she notices im not eating much and she asks me why. i tell her im not hungry and yknow what she does? she goes into some suuuupernatural rage about how i GOTTA RUIN THINGS EVERY TIME WE GO OUT! or how i DONT CARE ABOUT ANYONES FEELINGS! how its always ME ME ME, WHAT I WANT, HOW I FEEL, HOW I LOOK, WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT ME ME ME ME ME! and then she yells that i can be a "dumb anorexic" if i want, so i grab the keys and go to wait in the car, telling the waitress on the way out to put my penne in a takeaway box. we probably drove home in silence, but i wasnt paying much attention to anything but my game of vortex.
whatta fun night. i always look forward to spending time with mumzy :D
/ choolie.
saturday, november 8, 2k8
Saturday, November 8, 2008
ive been waiting all day here for you babe
so wont you come and sit and talk to me
and tell me how we're gonna be together always
hope you know that when its late at night
i hold onto my pillow tight
and think of how you promised me forever
i never thought that anyone
could make me feel this way
now that youre here boy, all i want
is just a chance to say
get out, leave right now
its the end of you and me
its too late now and i cant wait for you to be gone
cos i know about her, and i wonder how i bought all the lies
you said that you would treat me right
but you were just a waste of time
tell me why youre looking so confused
when im the one who didnt know the truth
how could you ever be so cold
to go behind my back and call my friend
boy you mustve gone and bumped your head
cos your left her number on your phone
so now after all is said and done
maybe im the one to blame but
to think that you could be the one
well it didnt work out that way
i wanted you right here with me
but i have no choice, you gotta leave
because my heart is breaking
with every word im saying
i gave up everything i had
on something that just wouldnt last
but i refuse to cry
no tears will fall from these eyes
get out, leave right now
its the end of you and me
its too late, and i cant wait for you to be gone
cos i know about her, and i wonder how i bought all the lies
you said that you would treat me right
but you were just a waste of time
/ choolie.
saturday, november 8, 2k8
so wont you come and sit and talk to me
and tell me how we're gonna be together always
hope you know that when its late at night
i hold onto my pillow tight
and think of how you promised me forever
i never thought that anyone
could make me feel this way
now that youre here boy, all i want
is just a chance to say
get out, leave right now
its the end of you and me
its too late now and i cant wait for you to be gone
cos i know about her, and i wonder how i bought all the lies
you said that you would treat me right
but you were just a waste of time
tell me why youre looking so confused
when im the one who didnt know the truth
how could you ever be so cold
to go behind my back and call my friend
boy you mustve gone and bumped your head
cos your left her number on your phone
so now after all is said and done
maybe im the one to blame but
to think that you could be the one
well it didnt work out that way
i wanted you right here with me
but i have no choice, you gotta leave
because my heart is breaking
with every word im saying
i gave up everything i had
on something that just wouldnt last
but i refuse to cry
no tears will fall from these eyes
get out, leave right now
its the end of you and me
its too late, and i cant wait for you to be gone
cos i know about her, and i wonder how i bought all the lies
you said that you would treat me right
but you were just a waste of time
/ choolie.
saturday, november 8, 2k8
got bored so i made a new bg using something better than ms paint :L photoshop CS2, google images, brushes from celestial-star, time taken: 55mins.
yummm going out for italian tonight (:
/ choolie.
saturday, november 8, 2k8
yummm going out for italian tonight (:
/ choolie.
saturday, november 8, 2k8
Friday, November 7, 2008
haha sixty posts. sixty pointless posts.
now that we're done, im so sorry
why did i lie? im so sorry
i know i hurt you, i know i hurt you
/ choolie.
friday, november 7, 2k8
now that we're done, im so sorry
why did i lie? im so sorry
i know i hurt you, i know i hurt you
/ choolie.
friday, november 7, 2k8
i suppose im not angry. if anything, it makes me laugh.
did you see this as your chance to move in? i sometimes wonder if youre doing this for him, or for yourself. i cant exactly say youre moving in on my territory or anything, can i? not that i would anyway, but to be perfectly honest, i dont think you could ever fill the spot i left in him.
/ choolie.
friday, november 7, 2k8
did you see this as your chance to move in? i sometimes wonder if youre doing this for him, or for yourself. i cant exactly say youre moving in on my territory or anything, can i? not that i would anyway, but to be perfectly honest, i dont think you could ever fill the spot i left in him.
/ choolie.
friday, november 7, 2k8
i just watched harry potter. can you tell? :D
prisoner of azkaban is my favourite of them all, foshiz.
so anyway, today was pretty cool. hahah im just trying to remember things that happened. well first two periods was double pe, but i couldnt swim cos my ears lol. so i sat on the side and made thumbholes in my jumper (: rest of the lessons were alright, just revision mostly for the sc. it all starts on monday ; 3 days of exams and then its aaaaaaall over. i cant waaitt! cos after that, its all fun stuff (Y) im not sure if ill bother revising for the exams to be honest. maybe a little on sunday, mostly for maths and history.
that actually pretty much sums up my day. how uninteresting hahah. my ears are doing good :D
/ choolie.
friday, november 7, 2k8
i just watched harry potter. can you tell? :D
prisoner of azkaban is my favourite of them all, foshiz.
so anyway, today was pretty cool. hahah im just trying to remember things that happened. well first two periods was double pe, but i couldnt swim cos my ears lol. so i sat on the side and made thumbholes in my jumper (: rest of the lessons were alright, just revision mostly for the sc. it all starts on monday ; 3 days of exams and then its aaaaaaall over. i cant waaitt! cos after that, its all fun stuff (Y) im not sure if ill bother revising for the exams to be honest. maybe a little on sunday, mostly for maths and history.
that actually pretty much sums up my day. how uninteresting hahah. my ears are doing good :D
/ choolie.
friday, november 7, 2k8
Thursday, November 6, 2008
haha still not asleep yet.
im so excited about the formal!
weeeeee :D
/ choolie.
thursday, november 6, 2k8
im so excited about the formal!
weeeeee :D
/ choolie.
thursday, november 6, 2k8
just always tired after school and shit. like right now, i wanna just sleep. ill probably go after this entry (: sooooo tired. didnt even have a nap today.
first of all - mariams birthday.
HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEEEEEEENNNNNN! youre one of the best friends ive had or ever will have. never will i forget you and all your quirks for as long as i live. youre a new type of special. if you had five dollars and chuck norris had five dollars, you would have more money than chuck norris. true? true. *does the hand thingy*
milan, mariam & amanda

since it was mariams birthday today justine, amanda, tien, andrew do, milan and i went across the line to find her a card. we found a really big one that said on the front "we thought itd be nice to send you a card with a $100 note in it.." and then on the inside it says "but we searched the entire newsagency but couldnt find one. but have a happy birthday anyway!" lol, cool right? cool. sooooo many people wrote in it, even people who, after writing, asked me "so whos mariam?" hahaha. the only thing that pissed me off a little was jana. she took up like a quarter of the entire card and wrote "JANA HATES YOU" in big letters. like wtf? but anyway, we also bought mariam 2 boxes of jols, cos she loves jols (:
the card

also today, i got to hang out with paul after school. we went cabra first and guess what? I GOT MY EARS PIERCED :D and i didnt even cry or scream! ask paul, i swear! it hurt a little, but thats okay (:
after cabra, we left to do what we first set out to do - find paul something to wear for the formal. we spent aaaaages in myers but we found what we needed. green shirt, suit jacket and pants. we went shoe shopping for a while too, but i didnt like any of them cos they were either ugly, not shiny enough, too expensive, or too pointy. his mum came to meet us after a while, with his brother. we spent another 30 - 45 minutes looking for more stuff cos she wasnt happy with the size? but yeah, it all turned out alright. in myer i also managed to get a suuuuper cute forever friends bear, and A MOSSIMO BRA. its totally hot, but too small for me hahaha. it like, hurts to put on BUT ITS REAL HOT.
pauls mum drove me to the station, and i caught the train back to cabra. got home at about 7? watched home and away, shower etc.. no nap :/ my ears still hurt a little, but its not bad. i took a bundle of photos today but i dont have the cable for my camera so i cant upload themmm! its killing me. if anyone has an olympus camera cable, or an xD reader (lol paul, say nothing) then could you pleeease lend it to me? ill be eternally grateful :D
i am deeeead tired. gnight all! ill post pics when i can.
/ choolie.
thursday, november 6, 2k8
just always tired after school and shit. like right now, i wanna just sleep. ill probably go after this entry (: sooooo tired. didnt even have a nap today.
first of all - mariams birthday.
HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEEEEEEENNNNNN! youre one of the best friends ive had or ever will have. never will i forget you and all your quirks for as long as i live. youre a new type of special. if you had five dollars and chuck norris had five dollars, you would have more money than chuck norris. true? true. *does the hand thingy*
milan, mariam & amanda

since it was mariams birthday today justine, amanda, tien, andrew do, milan and i went across the line to find her a card. we found a really big one that said on the front "we thought itd be nice to send you a card with a $100 note in it.." and then on the inside it says "but we searched the entire newsagency but couldnt find one. but have a happy birthday anyway!" lol, cool right? cool. sooooo many people wrote in it, even people who, after writing, asked me "so whos mariam?" hahaha. the only thing that pissed me off a little was jana. she took up like a quarter of the entire card and wrote "JANA HATES YOU" in big letters. like wtf? but anyway, we also bought mariam 2 boxes of jols, cos she loves jols (:
the card

also today, i got to hang out with paul after school. we went cabra first and guess what? I GOT MY EARS PIERCED :D and i didnt even cry or scream! ask paul, i swear! it hurt a little, but thats okay (:
after cabra, we left to do what we first set out to do - find paul something to wear for the formal. we spent aaaaages in myers but we found what we needed. green shirt, suit jacket and pants. we went shoe shopping for a while too, but i didnt like any of them cos they were either ugly, not shiny enough, too expensive, or too pointy. his mum came to meet us after a while, with his brother. we spent another 30 - 45 minutes looking for more stuff cos she wasnt happy with the size? but yeah, it all turned out alright. in myer i also managed to get a suuuuper cute forever friends bear, and A MOSSIMO BRA. its totally hot, but too small for me hahaha. it like, hurts to put on BUT ITS REAL HOT.
pauls mum drove me to the station, and i caught the train back to cabra. got home at about 7? watched home and away, shower etc.. no nap :/ my ears still hurt a little, but its not bad. i took a bundle of photos today but i dont have the cable for my camera so i cant upload themmm! its killing me. if anyone has an olympus camera cable, or an xD reader (lol paul, say nothing) then could you pleeease lend it to me? ill be eternally grateful :D
i am deeeead tired. gnight all! ill post pics when i can.
/ choolie.
thursday, november 6, 2k8
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
lol sorry my last post ended so abruptly, i had to get off the comp and i hadnt saved yet, so i just hit publish. today was funnnnnn as! i dont remember much about school but aaafter it was good.
ok, so. this trip to livo right? me and milan walked from sport to westies and we ran into mariam and amanda. manda went to catch the bus so the three of us left walked around a bit until around 2:30. got maccas, perved on the guy in gloria jeans and then went out to the go-lo corner at about 2:45 to meet up with kevin, who had shehata, lily and andrew do with him. as milan left, we saw aliosha so i used his phone to call up sarah. gave her mariams number and went walking around a bit. faaarrr kevin that lazy cunt just kept standing there so me and mariam dogged him.
we went to forever new to see if we could find mariam a dress for the fairvale formal, but nothing. walked past the gloria jeans guy a couple more times, checked out shoeees. haha. mariam got 2 weird messages that were like "waiting for the train" and "we're at go-lo" and it took us like half an hour to realise it was from sarah and claudia hahaha so we ran out to the corner laughing. mariam left at this point, so i spent the rest of the day with sarah and claud (:
we went to sit outside halfway through so the other two could have a smoke, and then this random lady comes and sit in between us and shes like "hope im not intruding" and she pulls out a smoke too. she saw me playing my ds and shes like "GUITAR HERO? NO WAY?!" and she asked me if she could try, and im not going to say no to a stranger holding a lit cigarette. she was scary. playing on easy, she yelled out "NO!" whenever she missed a note, which we found quite hilarious. she left really abruptly and said we were "top chicks" rofl
all in all, today was goooooooddddd, i got heaps of stuff with sarah and claud. i have everything i need for the formal plus more (:
- gold flats
- gold headband
- gold pendant
- cuuuute gold clutch
- black flats with chain on them
- silver clutch that i gave to sarah
- copy of eragon lol
now something i mentioned in my last blog. remember that picture in the textbook i told you guys about? ..i have pictures (:
and the first two lines of the poem NEXT to this picture:
"the thing to remember about fathers, is that theyre men.
a girl has to keep it in mind."
/ choolie.
wednesday, november 5, 2k8
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
i keep leaving my blogs until late these days, i guess i keep finding other things to do.
im just suuuuuper happy right now. i have been for most of the day actually.
we had kolodjiez for english today and he was writing down the names of people who were misbehaving. next to mine, he wrote "wouldnt stop laughing" hahha i couldnt help it! we had those poetry textbooks, there was a picture of a guy touching a little girls butt roflol and i just found it really funny even though kolodjiez didnt. i still remember it was on page 227 :D i took a picture of the picture with nikkis phone, so once she sends it to me i shall show you (:
that whole period was really fun haha nick kept stirring trouble as always, and at one point, the ENTIRE class laughed at me laughing. how emotionally degrading. my mood kinda faltered a bit when we got major results back today. im nott happy with my commerce mark at all, its the worst ive ever done in any comm exam. only 81%. even TIEN beat me. TIEN. ffffffff? but oh well, i beat udit in ag. hahahaahhaah.
planning to go livo westies after school with some people tomorrow, look for formal stufffff (: kevin, sarah, claudia.. and andrew shehata? haha and maybe andrew do or something. i might ask ella to come (:
now to the exccccccitinggggg news. i got a new caaaameraaaa :D:D:D:D 10.0 megapixel olympus. its sseeexxxxxyyyyy! i wanna name it hahaha.
im just suuuuuper happy right now. i have been for most of the day actually.
we had kolodjiez for english today and he was writing down the names of people who were misbehaving. next to mine, he wrote "wouldnt stop laughing" hahha i couldnt help it! we had those poetry textbooks, there was a picture of a guy touching a little girls butt roflol and i just found it really funny even though kolodjiez didnt. i still remember it was on page 227 :D i took a picture of the picture with nikkis phone, so once she sends it to me i shall show you (:
that whole period was really fun haha nick kept stirring trouble as always, and at one point, the ENTIRE class laughed at me laughing. how emotionally degrading. my mood kinda faltered a bit when we got major results back today. im nott happy with my commerce mark at all, its the worst ive ever done in any comm exam. only 81%. even TIEN beat me. TIEN. ffffffff? but oh well, i beat udit in ag. hahahaahhaah.
planning to go livo westies after school with some people tomorrow, look for formal stufffff (: kevin, sarah, claudia.. and andrew shehata? haha and maybe andrew do or something. i might ask ella to come (:
now to the exccccccitinggggg news. i got a new caaaameraaaa :D:D:D:D 10.0 megapixel olympus. its sseeexxxxxyyyyy! i wanna name it hahaha.
Monday, November 3, 2008
tiredddd cbf blogging.
today was boring anyway, not much to blog.
/ choolie.
monday, november 3, 2k8
today was boring anyway, not much to blog.
/ choolie.
monday, november 3, 2k8
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Paul says:
lol so umm what do guys wear to a formal? :L
Paul says:
im assuming not dresses
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
no totally, i have a sweet little lbd i can lend you
Paul says:
lol i think ill go with something more conservative
- julie UHOH. says:
roflmao if youre sure
- julie UHOH. says:
i wont feel cut
- julie UHOH. says:
as long as i get to do your makeup (:
Paul says:
:L u srs?
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
rofl what would u do to me?
- julie UHOH. says:
the whole shebang
- julie UHOH. says:
eyeliner, mascara, blush, all that shiz
Paul says:
i dont know about the mascara or eyeliner :L i guess a little blush is alright >.>
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
LOL u suggested it
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
Paul says:
faskfsef ;sez;f noaw
Paul says:
fszklne nsz
at this point, paul posted about 15 empty messages in an attempt to stall me.
Paul says:
lol please :L
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
Paul says:
/ choolie.
sunday, november 2, 2k8
lol so umm what do guys wear to a formal? :L
Paul says:
im assuming not dresses
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
no totally, i have a sweet little lbd i can lend you
Paul says:
lol i think ill go with something more conservative
- julie UHOH. says:
roflmao if youre sure
- julie UHOH. says:
i wont feel cut
- julie UHOH. says:
as long as i get to do your makeup (:
Paul says:
:L u srs?
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
rofl what would u do to me?
- julie UHOH. says:
the whole shebang
- julie UHOH. says:
eyeliner, mascara, blush, all that shiz
Paul says:
i dont know about the mascara or eyeliner :L i guess a little blush is alright >.>
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
LOL u suggested it
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
Paul says:
faskfsef ;sez;f noaw
Paul says:
fszklne nsz
at this point, paul posted about 15 empty messages in an attempt to stall me.
Paul says:
lol please :L
- julie UHOH. says:
- julie UHOH. says:
Paul says:
Paul says:
/ choolie.
sunday, november 2, 2k8
/ choolie.
sunday, november 2, 2k8
/ choolie.
sunday, november 2, 2k8
fiftieth post, first of november.
sorry i havent posted since thursday when everyones used to me posting about 5 times a day haha its cos on friday i was at ellas house all afternoon and i didnt find the time to even go online. and yesterday, i think my neighbours turned off their router :/ either way, im back on now (:
i dont.. really remember much to blog about? haha. um lets see. on friday i did NOT wanna go to school at all. i just wanted to like sleeeeeepp all day but i ended up sleeping until about 9:30 and then being forced to go to school. IT WAS SO FREAKING HOTTTTT like 37 damn degrees. i hope the next time we have a day with bad subjects, it goes up to 40 so we can go home :D the stupid school only has about 5 rooms in total with aircon. its cruel, man!
yesterday was a pretty good day, despite my lack of internet. i got up waaaayyy in time to watch wizards of waverley place + hannah montana. i even got see half of the emperors new school :D i spent the rest of the day scrapbooking while watching avatar on my laptop. got 2 more episodes to go before i finished book of earth (: my favourite episode ever ever ever is the second ep of earth, where they gotta go through the tunnel of two lovers and theyre with the nomads bahahah so funny.
for some reason, my right arm hurts :/
- happy birthday to shirleyyyy! who turned 16 on friday 31st
- happy 4 months to jordan + minhchau for yesterday
- congrats to quyen and vivek who won the yr10 src elections
- hbd today to selena, turning 15 (:
(*) stay close, dont go - secondhand serenade.
/ choolie.
sunday, november 2, 2k8
sorry i havent posted since thursday when everyones used to me posting about 5 times a day haha its cos on friday i was at ellas house all afternoon and i didnt find the time to even go online. and yesterday, i think my neighbours turned off their router :/ either way, im back on now (:
i dont.. really remember much to blog about? haha. um lets see. on friday i did NOT wanna go to school at all. i just wanted to like sleeeeeepp all day but i ended up sleeping until about 9:30 and then being forced to go to school. IT WAS SO FREAKING HOTTTTT like 37 damn degrees. i hope the next time we have a day with bad subjects, it goes up to 40 so we can go home :D the stupid school only has about 5 rooms in total with aircon. its cruel, man!
yesterday was a pretty good day, despite my lack of internet. i got up waaaayyy in time to watch wizards of waverley place + hannah montana. i even got see half of the emperors new school :D i spent the rest of the day scrapbooking while watching avatar on my laptop. got 2 more episodes to go before i finished book of earth (: my favourite episode ever ever ever is the second ep of earth, where they gotta go through the tunnel of two lovers and theyre with the nomads bahahah so funny.
for some reason, my right arm hurts :/
- happy birthday to shirleyyyy! who turned 16 on friday 31st
- happy 4 months to jordan + minhchau for yesterday
- congrats to quyen and vivek who won the yr10 src elections
- hbd today to selena, turning 15 (:
(*) stay close, dont go - secondhand serenade.
/ choolie.
sunday, november 2, 2k8