Thursday, October 30, 2008
i love ebay.and sorry bout her face, it was ugly as fuck. / choolie.thursday, october 30, 2k811:43pm.
fortyeight. was a pretty good day overall, i must say. except for a few things. 1) my dress was too short2) my fringe was fucked up3) the weather was lame until about lunch4) I BOUGHT CHICKEN NOODLES AND WHEN I HELD THEM, I HELD THEM TOO TIGHT SO ALL THE HOT BOILING WATER WENT ON MY HAND AND IT REALLY REALLY HURT AND MY HAND SMELT LIKE CHICKEN.but other than that it was pretty cool :Dfirst up was double pe in the poolssss. about half the class was already gone cos of ipt or being sick, so in the end.. only 6 people got in the water. the ones who didnt bring notes for not swimming had to write stuff, but the rest got to laze around and do whatever. garner brought his guitar today so there was something to do while sarah played my ds. maybe halfway through the second period, we went back to a room to watch some video and whenever mr hughes got up to pause or rewind the video, there would be a seriously awkward silence and i have no idea why. but it was hilarious haha and it happened maybe like 3 - 4 times.recess was when i burnt my hand D: totally killed man. period 3 was history - me and sarah fell asleep haha mr purves is so damn boring. english and maths were ordinary but today was the BEST ag lesson EVER.everyone know my lotus elise? best toy car ever :) well today mr schippers let us bludge cos so many people were away so nick and oswald started playing with my car, building ramps and jumps and stuff. after a while, the whole class got into it and we built a massive ramp out of folders that went off the science tables onto a row of lab chairs, it was awesome. we even had a ring of fire that was pretty much just a ring, cos mr schippers wouldnt let us set it on fire. nick even filmed everything with his phone, so maybe ill post vids if i get my hands on them :L it was so fun though :)after school john, tien and i got off at cabra. tien had to go home so i went with john to morning glory to get some stuff for his sister. when he left i was about to head home but i ran into sunny + danica, so i ended up sitting in happycup and talking to danica until like 4:30. shes so cuuuutee :) i got home just in time to shower and watch rollercoaster, but i fell asleep at some point and didnt wake up until about 7:00. oh well. naps are always good.I NEED TO FINISH MY COMMERCE THINGOOO. shall be uncapped soon (Y)/ choolie.thursday, october 30, 2k89:06pm.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"when mr faulds stood sideways i imagined there was a big projector at the back of the room. he had a hard-on that you could see on the board and we were all tracing it?
it was like a dream except i was awake."
ask no questions, tell no lies./ choolie.wednesday, october 29, 2k811:05pm.
TODAYS WEATHER WAS YYYUUCCCKKKK.i hate rain. it makes my fringe curly. and when my fringe gets curly, i get pissy.brb dinner.yuuum mashed potatoes. and stuff. im watching house :) OOHHHEMGEE HE JUST KISSED CUDDY. WOAH-HO-HO-HOOOHH. well anyway, i cant remember anything about today. oh right we had src voting today, but i came late so i had to vote at recess. when i went to ag, everybody was goneeee so i had to walk around and try to look for them. they were doing cow drenching + vaccinating o: and i realised that cows have funny wobbly turkey things under their necks lol. i gave sarah a wedgie :) a big one. but then i stopped cos she was like "julie, im holding a needle bigger than your arm"OMGGGGG ITS A GAMEBOY! ( + [¯¯¯] ·:· )dooooood that is so cool. its a gameboy! haha. speaking of games, my cs wouldnt work in science, so i didnt get to kill stuff. ROFL I JUST SPENT THE LAST HALF AN HOUR MAKING STUFF ON MSN WITH BLOSIA. 


oh and happy 16th birthday to kevinthay!
one year older, one year closer to dying.
/ choolie.
wednesday, october 29, 2k8

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
im surprised to find i dont remember much at all about school today :Lactually, im not at all surprised. my memory is terrible. like my eyesight. i would like to rectify my statement from the other blog that said wombats are only from tasmania. im an idiot hahaha, i was thinking about tasmanian devils :)hannah dear, forever friendssincerely yours never againim so borreeddd. today in geography, i accidentally wrote "aboriganal." it was funny at the time. ALSO, I PLAYED CS IN SCIENCE, AND I KILLEDDDD STTTUUFFFFFF. are you proud? :) garner insisted on killing me everytime, but i managed to shoot down a few bots in between fits of dying :) oh hey hey, we're making caramel slices in food tech :) pure sugar, fat and cholestrol. im not kidding. two hilarious things happened today; one in maths, one on the train. id tell you about what happened in maths but i cant just yet so ill do it tomorrow. i CAN however tell you that on the train, milan was jumping up and down and forgot he was inside. he hit his head on the roof of the carriage so hard that for a minute, his torso was all crumpled up against the ceiling while his feet were still off the ground. i have never laughed so much in my life. well, i have, but yknow. sport tomorrow.CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN FETTUCINE./ choolie.tuesday, october 28, 2k810:29pm.

Monday, October 27, 2008
people on bebo who insist on being fucking morons and spamming my fucking homepage with comments on their own pictures that are like,"noooo im not pretty, you are!""YOU LIAR! im ugly!""awww thats not true, i wish i was as hot as youuuu""nah yooooure the prettiest!""no i dont like my face, i like yours :D"LIKE WTF STFU YOU FUCKING CHEESEDICKS.
/ choolie.
monday, october 27, 2k811:48pm.
DEWD IT IS SO HAWT TODAY! my gooooooosshhh it was like 40 degrees out there i swear >:/first things first - i wanted to post something yesterday cos i didnt get a chance to. mumzilla took my latop cos i pretty much implied i never listen when she talks. which i dont. ANYWAY. on friday afternoon, i happened to go to the library with someone, and this someone happened to walk straight into a parked car. like, hard. bahahaha. IT TOTALLY CAME AT YOU, RIGHT? O: roflmao! WANT PICS? OKAY YEAH.the UNMISSABLE car ;
the "somebodys" leg after the incident. totally not bruising ;
lololol moving along.. heres a summary of my day today :)- brought guitar to school, jammed with christina- teaching justine to play kelsey ^^- garner + andrew do bludgeeedd, didnt come to school. left me alone with sarah farrell, wow freak.- amy brought year 3 school photos from casula public featuring kevin thay, ishraq, nabilah, ashik, jake bacon and BATEHUP (Y) plus random year 9s- ag; potatoes growing well :D- mr kolodjiez for english, nobody paid any attention. "so why did you call it a spelling test?"- had to watch a stupid video in science, got to have a nap. so did everyone else, especially brian who kept sleeping even after the lights were back on.- speaking of which, fouhzy has terrible BO. no kidding.- maths + history = boooorrrrrring as usual- cabra with tien, saw lannie + joanne, and then bus with grace and carmen- CAME HOME, WATCHED ANGELA ANACONDA AND M.I.HIGH AND WILL & GRACE AND AUSTRALIAN IDOL FT. CHRIS BROWN AND GOOD NEWS WEEEEKK :D- ate mi goreng. yeeeahahaha (Y)seriously hot + bored right now. omg hey, i think theres something wrong with me. i have some kind of strange heterosexual obsession with legs. i dont know hahah but when i look at magazines and stuff, ill check out everyones legs. and at school too, i dont know who you are, but ive probably looked at your legs. hahahah. im not a lesbian but i obsess and look at girls with nice legs. its sorta weird. im creeping myself out. i dont get off on it or anything, because that would be REALLY scary. hmm./ choolie.monday, october 27, 2k89:55pm.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
bored bored boredy bored bored. went optometrist this morning. my eyes got a teensy bit worse, which is definitely not the internets fault :L when i got home, i learnt to play "stay close, dont go" on the guitar :D woo! i love secondhand serenade, about even with metro station. which is a lotttt :) ANOTHER IMPORTANT DATE I FORGOT TO MENTION IN MY OTHER BLOG.does anyone wanna come UNITY 2008; THE REVOLUTION on the 6th of December? its at sydney showground, 9 - 6 for about $50 + bf. itll be THE best this year - utopia, hard wars, fantasia, masif, anthems, ALL IN ONE. how effing awesome. theres no turn-downs AND free rides all night :D its 16+ so borrow someones id if youre not 16 yet, full alki for 18+ id. if its anything like utopia, you could use one of your grandparents drivers licenses and they'll just be like, "...this isnt you. get in." thats what happened to jack waite :L pahhaha so msn me if you wanna come :)(*) california - metro station./ choolie.sunday, october 26, 2k82:37pm.

THE FRANKFURT FELL OUTA MY HAWTDAWG >:// choolie.sunday, october 26, 2k812:14pm.
but i think i made that pretty apparent in my last blog.
my mum got mad at me for drawing on food, so she chopped up captainhernandocustardiron right in front of me. that sadistic whore, has she no feelings? all i really wanted to do was draw faces, but i took captainhernandocustardiron's death as an opportunity to waste a good 15 minutes of my day. there is just NOTHING to do.
i have an optometetristosterone appointment at 10 tomorrow, so ill probably be getting new glasses. YAY? my eyesight is terrible, i remember seeing a log in the distance once and telling amanda and justine that i didnt know our school had wombats. wtf is wrong with me, wombats are only in tasmania anyway.
there are a few important dates coming up;
31OCT/ halloween + shirleys bday
6NOV/ mariams 16th
10NOV/ sc week starts
24NOV/ mandas 16th
29NOV/ blosias 16th
11DEC/ twilight movie release!
must remember, must remember.
/ choolie.
sunday, october 26, 2k8