Tuesday, April 14, 2009
#121 - from karols house.

so i'm at karols house. we're leaving for ID in about 15 minutes, hope its fun.
haha i have a phone now. ask for my number (;
its also almost my birthday. im.. mildly excited? not sure haha. im turning 16, how oooold.

you were always predictable, always so predictable.
cos thats right, everything always has to be my way. right?
when did this turn into some kind of tug-of-war? i admit i was selfish in not thinking even once that this wouldnt affect everyone else. it was you, and me. you always had to win didnt you? you poor poor boy, you have everything so tough. didnt your mummy cut the crusts off your sandwich?
you've MADE this a problem. i know why though. because when were we all there for you? whenever you had a problem, something to talk about. and now.. we're all gone. you have nothing. so what have you done? you've reverted back to what you, deep down, felt to be the root of your every friendship. drama. angst. neediness. now theres something to whine about isnt there? you know i hate it when you lie. be honest to yourself. what do you really have to complain about?

/ julie.
tuesday, 14th april, 2k9


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