i was going to post yesterday but i forgot
anyways as julie said, our week has been pretty fun. photoshop is clearly god's gift to the world/
john tran: hey look! its a rain shower! what... i meant sun shower
my day was boring. just tutor and it was sooo hot. nothing much happened today.
[raphael_sorel] So, where you from? ;)
[sweet_angel47] Chicago, Illinois. how bout u?
[raphael_sorel] Manila, Philippines. :D
[sweet_angel47] where is that? in like, Russia?
[raphael_sorel] No, it's in South East Asia.
[sweet_angel47] dude, i totally fail at geometry
[raphael_sorel] ...
my tutor class found that funny :L
anyways i might blog here more often seeing as julie's mum, who once told me off over the phone for "engaging the line so that relatives couldnt call in case of emergency and wasting julie's time" when in fact we were studying for the science halfyearly (i swear =) ), trashed her router shes not gonna be on here often.
and oh, this post was not a sadistic attempt to hurt julie's feelings. thats the next post =)
/ paulie.
saturday, december 6, 2k8
this week has been awesome, except for the fact i have to post this to you all from the library. while i was at school, mumzilla decided to trash our router. "oh, we didnt need it anymore so i threw it away." she just didnt know i was using our neighbours wireless >.> im dyyyyinggg from the inside out DDDD:
so anyway, sarah, paul, andrew do and i continued to work for mr marsh this week, moving stuff, setting up computers, and doing the yearbook which has been the most fun. photoshop eases the pain. im cool yeah? hahaaha. we've made some really cool designs that marsh/beek seemed to love. im pretty happy :D
andrew do continued to learn about using photoshop and spent almost 3 hours making a corkboard texture. using a tutorial off the net. threeeeeeee hours. omg lol, and he was so proud. it was sort of nauseating. sarah didnt do much though lol, going on myspace and searching up wow stuff on ebay hahaaha
sarah and i had quite an adventure on wednesday actually. we jigged sport to meet up with claudia in the city but she called when we were halfway there and told us she wasnt coming >:/ the two of us decided to go to livo instead, since thats where we were going to go in the first place before claudia wanted to see us. we got off at wolli creek and had to run to the other platform to catch our train back to glenfield. we missed it anyway and had to wait HALF AN HOUR for the next one, which only took us up to east hills station. whaddya know, just as we arrived at easthills, we missed ANOTHER train, and had to wait another 15 minutes. it was fun there actually, we had a waterfight right on the platform. i have footage hahaha.

we did get to livo eventually and so met up with amanda, mariam, tien, john, kevin and shehata. we even saw brea who was there with andrew quinn, nick and i think ryan. walked around, went to some shops and left at around 3:30. we had trouble agreeing on where to go next but we somehow all ended up back at my house. yes - sarah, kevin and andrew shehata sitting around my living room drinking cordial. sarah, having never seen cabramatta before kept commenting on how asian everything was. i never really noticed myself i guess, until i was with someone who lives in wagga hahha
thursday afterschool was fun too. i went back to livo but with tien, mariam and karols this time. tien and i just wanted to hang out while the other two got their nails done for the fairvale formal. classic mariam moment; a group of guys came up to talk to karols and mariam turns to tien saying "see i told you so." tien looks puzzled and says, "...what did you tell me?" after thinking about it, mariam goes "wait dont worry, i only said it in my head" ROFLOL sillyyyyyyyy. mariam and karols sporting french tips, had to leave before too long, so tien and i went to pretty much all the shops that had accessories and shoes. i spent way more money than i shouldve. BUT i did get 3 tops, 4 pairs of shoes, two pots of lipbalm that i gave to sarah and a really cute pair of overalls from tightrope :D i also got my mums christmas present at myer.
since tien and i were discussing stuff for the formal pretty much the whole afternoon, she asked if i wanted to come over to her house so she could show me her dress so when her mum came to pick her up, i went along. she showed me her dress, which is really pretty, and we spent the rest of the night playing singstar on the ps hahha. my throat was killing me though, and i kept croaking, so she beat me in almost every song (: i got picked up at about 9:30 - 10:00 and went home to try on all my new clothes :L
i realised on friday how rarely i go straight home afterschool, especially now that i dont have the net DDDDD: i intended to catch the bus directly home since it was so freaking hot that afternoon, but i ended up wandering around cabra with john, paul and andrew do. we went to miss phams shop so andrew do could look at shoes? i dont know, he's strange. we got drinks and jumped on a train to fairfield, since john and andrew do had to go tutor. we walked through this carpark on the way to fairfield library, and yknow how when the car pulls up to the bar thingy to get a ticket from the little machine? well i suggested that we pretend we were a car and get a ticket just for the fun of it. john said that there was like a scale or something under the concrete? and that we probably werent as heavy as a car. we remembered though the part in toy story where they all jumped at once to get the door open, and we tried that, but andrew do apparently doesnt understand the meaning of "everybody jump on three." we made the assumption that something between his ears and his brain is broken. "THUD.... thud." we sat in the library for a little while with chompy, grace, and someone else i cant remember but paul and i had to head back to cabra though so yeah.
this week was really pretty good overall id have to say, but the most fun has just been going to school and not being in classes, just sitting in room 12 doing whatever i like. and photoshop, i love using photoshop hahaha. ive been walking around without my shoes on, playing hangman on the board, listening to music loudly, playing my guitar. its like being at home, but still being able to see your friends afterwards. yay for mr marsh letting us off class for the rest of the term (Y)
yeah okay, so anyway. i got pretty mad that mumzilla decided to dispose of our router on the day before my hundredth post. it gave me time to think though - why do i do it? its funny thinking about the maaaany hours i spent typing out lengthy posts or coding up layouts when i couldve, shouldve, wouldve been doing something probably more important. like studying :D
i guess in a way, its helping me remember things. if i put them down into words on the world wide web, i can always come back yknow? i can come back and recount every silly mistake ive made, every nonsensical feeling ive felt and every awesome day ive had. its great (: plus, i get the feeling its an excuse to procrastinate. "ill do it later, im blogging. must not disappoint the blogosphere"
so yknow, i like it. i like blogging. and i like reading other peoples' blogs too, theres something about having insight into other peoples lives that makes you think about your own. yknow? no? okay.
moving on to shallower things, the formal is coming up and i cant waaaiittt! after anticipating all year its hard to believe its in only 5 days. if we dont go to school on monday, which i dont want to, friday would've been the very last day we EVER EVER EVER wear those stupid junior uniforms again. its kind of sad really :/
y'see monday is a normal school day, tuesday is mufti, wednesday is sport, and on thursday we have to wear our winter uniforms for the final assembly. year ten is ending, lads. mixed emotions? mixed emotions. aaahh now ive made myself all.. emotional. haha. not to worry, the formal is going to be a blast.
its been 6 days since the beginning of summer and we are seriously feeling the heat. what is wrong with this country? its either much too hot or much too cold. make up your mind >:/ the weather is getting to meeee im coming out in rashes and shit. wanna see?
i might leave it here, longest post ever much?
plzkthxbai i missed you :D
post asap, i promise.
i was thinking of typing it all out on notepad and giving them to paul to post for me. haha. speaking of paul, HE SHOULD POST MORE OFTEN NOW. IN MY PLACE. COS I CANT. EXCEPT, HES REALLY LAZY. AND MOSTLY POSTS ENTRIES IN A SADISTIC ATTEMPT TO HURT MY FEELINGS :(
bye :D
/ julie.
saturday, december 6, 2k8
im going to kill you :@:@:@:@
all those quotes are completely fake. completely. hes making it up .. because hes evil. FEEL SORRY FOR ME! D: IM BEING CYBERBULLIED! INTERNETLY VICTIMISSEDDDDDDD! paul pham is a sadistic whore :(
had a bludge day today with paul, sarah and andrew do. just moving computers around for mr marsh. we pretty much wasted the whooole day doing that, although sarah and i didnt actually do much (as mentioned in previous post). we had a bit of drama during lunch about who's sitting at what tables for the formal but it think its all sorted out.
O:O:O: SARAH AND CASS GOT THE SAME DRESS. gaaaassssppppp haha. theyre making, i think, a big deal out of nothing. crying, swearing, bitching. but it is a nice dress i suppose. haha. actually, i wouldnt be too happy either if someone wore the same dress as me but the chances of that are slim, seeing as mine came from hk :D
lifesaving week has started in the pool for those who got positions. you could so tell it was the first day of summer, so darn hotttttt. i envy those who got to swim D:
a few funny moments we had through the day;
- saw lily walking around pulling her shirt slightly up by the shoulders. i asked her what she was doing and she said "i have wet patches." she let her shirt fall down to normal and i realised she wasnt joking about the wet patches. she had two huuuuge see through circles where her top had made contact with her wet bikini.
- hahahaha mariam chucked a ginoooormous spaz on the train when we pointed out how dark her skin was getting. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? OMG IM AN ABO!" ahahaha mariammmm you classic
- librarian; "hi there."
sarah; "good thanks, can i please renew these books?"
- mr marsh; "julie, you are exceptional."
this came after i launched headfirst, without thinking, into a rant about bears, hibernation, buttplugs and bindi irwin. wiki it :D seriously, its pretty interesting cos they eat up all this stuff before they go to sleep like hair and rocks? and all the crap they eat plugs up their butthole or something. then i started wondering out loud how they get rid of the plug when they wake up. (L) wikipedia. so yeah, i dont think mr marsh was really expecting that. or ready for it.
one year older, one year closer to death.
if its any consolation, i actually think your mum is really nice.
/ julie.
monday, december 1, 2k8
and plus it's warren's birthday today also, he's 16 now and we all know THAT means (;
anyways im on here posting because julie threatened to delete me if i didnt post so i thought id better do it.
well school today was alright. i nearly broke a school camera in science when wilson tried to film me and i got angry so i smacked it and he dropped it and to make matters worse, i stepped on it :L
as long as noone finds out its all good.
from period 2 onwards we setup new computers in the boarding school. i was with andrew, julie and sarah. julie and sarah didnt do much, sat there and talked mostly. we're going to start the yr 12 yearbook tommorrow.
i also spent the day teasing julie with her awesome msn quotes :L
ill post some here for you all
heres the infamous "iscker" one
Paul: | hey =D |
Julie: | suuppsss |
Paul: | im better, kinda |
Julie: | well thats good coming histrionics tomorrow? |
Paul: | of course unless i get iskcer overngiht *sicker |
Julie: | LOLOL i saw that and for a second i was like "iskcer? shit i dont know what that is but it sounds bad" hahahahaha |
Paul: | ![]() ![]() |
Julie: | yeah true haha like, i was bored so i did these are you depressed? tests and they were like |
Julie: | you are at a moderate to high risk of clinical depression and im going aaahhh yeeaaaahh |
Paul: | lol i dont know julie (; these tests are pretty accurate |
Julie: | orly? brb /wrist |
Paul: | umm ok? ![]() |
Julie: | lol as in.. slash wrist FORGET IT HAHA |
Paul: | yea i know |
Paul: | i got it ![]() |
this is julie complaining about dropping a crt monitor on her foot :L
julie didnt say this but got it from bash =D
[Devildrake] www.meatspin.com
-About 3 minutes later-
[Yodo] Woot 1000 spins
[Yodo] This game needs highscore table and ingame chat
[Devildrake] Dude wtf, it's a shock site, not a game...
[Yodo] Oh...
Paul: | LOLOL |
Julie: | huh, that didnt come out right. |
Paul: | duh man YKNOW THE DASHED LINE AROUND MY BODY? ![]() ![]() |
[sic] lmao
[sic] have you been using it?
[kuiper] Well, yeah, but it hasn't been working too well. In fact, I think I may just go back to using paper.
Thats all ive got for now, laters =)
/ paulie
monday, december 1, 2k8
well anyway, theres this online competition called the bubble where they encourage young people to submit works of art (literature, photography, music etc) and every two months they announce the winner, chosen by voters. the winners are funded by general pants to do stuff in whatever category they submitted their work into, and a friend of mine happened to submit a story.

it doesnt take long to make an account at all so log in, read the story and vote. kay? kay. BUT ONLY IF YOU LIKE IT. LIKE REALLY LIKE IT, AND ENJOY IT.
so only if you really, truly, actually, really, really like it.
tommy says:
tommy says:
tommy says:
tommy says:
[Ð]j Dоugћ // says:
[Ð]j Dоugћ // says:
[Ð]j Dоugћ // says:
getting fat
[Ð]j Dоugћ // says:
its my job
/ julie.
sunday, november 30, 2k8
/ julie.
sunday, november 30, 2k8
i went to the uniform shop afterschool on friday with mariam to get her senior uniform for next year. shit there is so grossly overpriced, honestly. those $60 blouses are sold at lowes for like $12. the senior skirts cost $83 i think, but the woman said if we bought the fabric and had it made ourselves, it would only cost $33. how can a labour fee be $50? how stupid.
friday was also multicultural day, which went for just over a period. there was the usual - bollywood dancers, a2n, CAMERON - but some new stuff too. like some greek dancing and um "sopanna dream time" featuring logan's bogans. i have more pics and vids but, once again, no way to transfer. wonderful. i can give you this though
enjoy. lol at rob during chris' little bit.
its really hot today. i managed this morning though, to clean my room AND finish the first case of Apollo Justice. im halfway through the second case now. thankyou nikki for the games :)
uncapped soon
im going to go and play AJ s'more now
comments on layout appreciated
later homies
/ julie.
sunday, november 30, 2k8