im stubborn.
im beyond stubborn. maybe you do know this, maybe you've experienced it firsthand. i hate being told im wrong even if i am, and i hate losing an argument more than anything. its gotten me into shit before.. not trouble i guess but just into umm uncomfortable situations. when it comes to fighting, im pretty much never the first to say sorry; my pride is large and painful to swallow. and im world champion at holding grudges, dont try me.
i love music more than most sane people.
i do, i do i do i do. i have a thing for lyrics, kinda like my thing for legs hahaha. in a day i can learn the words to a song, but if you spoke the words to me it wouldnt be the same. not at all. when you put the lyrics to a melody, its like breaking down the door to a house of um feelings haha. instead of just leaving the catflap open. yknow? i wish i could put down what i was thinking in words whenever i wanted, or needed to. it must feel amazing to write a song and know itll spark feelings in people, simply from the words you strung together with a tune.
im a hyprocrite.
huh. probably. i expect too much from people. my mind works funny, cos it lets me think that because "people" dont live up to these expectations, i dont have to either. my brain rationalises until i have the reasoning to do whatever i want.
i dont believe in much of anything
though i respect that other people do. i dont always understand the whole religion thing i suppose, which is strange considering the fact i went to a catholic school until the end of year 5. if i had had a choice of what school to attend at the age of 5 i probably wouldve just asked for whichever had a bigger playground, but in hindsight im not sure being forced into OLMC was such a good thing. i dont, and never have, put my trust and faith into some higher being, some so-called God. i sat through the daily RE lessons, mass each friday, the prayers before and after .. well, everything. i tried to learn, be open-minded, but maybe its against my nature to put so much of myself into something i cant see with my own eyes or feel with my own hands. and so far when it comes to people, i dont think i believe in love either. its just a word, right?
im emotionally unstable
as you've most likely gathered. no seriously, i think i might be bipolar or something. this doesnt need some paragraph-long explanation. emotions suck, i just cant seem to keep them in check.
i love secrets.
i love knowing them, keeping them, having them. like a star in your pocket that nobody else knows about haha. im not really sure WHY i used to be one of those people that had to know absolutely everything, to the point of nagging and being overly pushy. i hate people like that though, so im working on the "tellmetellmetellme" attitude. i think people tell me more when i dont ask tbh.
my friends are my everything.
my friends are my everything.
/ julie.
saturday, november 29, 2k8
just had a bad-ish day on thursday, s'ok now. friday was slightly better though. andrew do got caught playing cs by ms pham.
i got pissed yesterday night cos i was halfway through some massive layout changes (look out for those btw) and my internet dced. lousy neighbours >:/ so yeah, didnt get to post either.
my auntie came over today, we talked about hair/makeup/nails for the formal. the girls are coming over on the day to get made up which should be fun. there honestly isnt much else to look forward to these days tbh.
i am probably going to go and work my way back through that new layout i had my mind fucking set on before my net dced. wonderful.
before i leave, HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY BLOSIA. im so glad we met (L)
/ julie.
saturday, november 29, 2k8
/ julie.
thursday, november 27, 2k8
my day was good then boring then alright then bad then good. i have pictures of the newly-born kids that are at school. so cuute! amy and i watched them this morning during rollcall. there was one baby that kept climbing to the top of the haystack, and then falling off again.
a few of us were meant to be helping ms beek today doing the yr12 yearbooks but she was running around all day and .. forgot to talk to us? we'll probably go back tomorrow and get the ay off haha. paul, andrew do, james and i ended up sitting in the front office for periods 1, 2 and half of 3 until she told us it probably wasnt going to happen today. no, really?
sport was lame for the most part, i kept falling asleep. thankyou nina for bowling for me haha. i perked up a bit when we got to leave that stupid bowling alley, and went livo westfields with kevin, andrew shehata and lawrence. i helped the guys look for formal stuff haha. they both got ties and kevin a suit jacket. haha it was pretty funny watching shehata go into all the stores asking them if they had white suits, affordable ones that is. he wants to look like a full pimp hahaha
id rather go dfo with kevin and stuff tomorrow, but i should probably go to school for the yearbook thing. it assures a job with ms beek the next time i dont wanna go to history or something. i cant believe though that ms beek and mr marsh are leaving at the end of this year! theyre like two of the few teachers that actually really really like me :/
15 days left til the formal.
and to you, who i trusted beyond belief,
im sort of surprised that i dont miss you at all.
/ julie.
wednesday, november 26, 2k8
for once, i actually cbf posting properly today. i think ill get into it as i go, haha since theres stuff to say.
didnt get the chance to make an entry yesterday, which was actually quite a good day despite a, um, bumpy start. lol i lost my ipod. and it was so new too D: i got over it in foodtech though lol, stuffing my face with icecream we made ourselves ;D we also attempted to make bacon and egg tarts (yeah, i dunno either hahah) and it was pretty much epic fail cos of .. well, all of us. our tarts caught fire :D ahaha we didnt even leave the kitchens until after science finished. woo (y)
school was kinda empty on monday cos all the smart classes went to luna park. there was seriously like noooobody there. since our class was so small, the whole day was pretty much a bludge.
i went around cabra with kevin and stuff afterschool again. we ran into ella and joanna at the library, and man i gotta say .. nobody makes me laugh like ella does. we were talking about ahem "spiderpig" otherwise known to us as "creepy stalker lipstick girl" and ella made a reference to my down syndrome impression. see, i know what she MEANT to say, but what she ACTUALLY said was bowel syndrome. AHYEAHHHHH GOOOODDD hahahahaahahahha. and then when we tried in vain to correct her, she said "isnt it the same thing? i saw an ad on the tv for it" oooomggg roflmao and later on that afternoon, she called it "bown syndrome" hahahaah i love you ella.
today was boooooring though, nothing much happened.
two giant chessboards were painted on the ground where the people usually play handball though. we were all like, yknow "wtf" in the morning. cbf going into details. gonna go watch GGs2 (:
ciao darlings
tuesday, november 25, 2k8

monday, november 24, 2k8
last night was pretty fun, my cousins slept over. they came over during the afternoon and sorta just.. didnt go home. haha. listened music, watched a couple movies, played ds / guitar, whatever. they went home about 10-ish this morning - so glad to see the backs of those idiots haha
back to school tomorrow, not something im looking forward to. if the weather continues the way its been all weekend then its gonna be so coldddddd and windy! i hate having to wear our stupid dresses >:/
ok,so. yknow how you think youre over something, but then something brings it aaaaall back? well im getting that right now. i hate relapses. relapses suck. you try and you try, you try so hard to push all that shit away cos what good is it doing anyone? and then one little thing. one photo, one message, some stupid tiny little detail brings it flooding back, recreating every feeling you worked to erase. wonderful. the point is, relapses suck. i really thought id gotten past it. past you. why do you do this?
anyway, yknow what else sucks? that theyre replacing simpsons with the bold and the fucking beatiful. what was ten thinking? have fun at luna park tomorrow A1 / A2 classes
sunday, november 23, 2k8