Saturday, December 27, 2008

ok, so. i've been superhappy, on a high since christmas morning. until 5 minutes ago. THERES IS A MASSIVE DISGUSTING ORANGE SPLODGE OF AN INK STAIN ON MY NEW BAG. FUCK THE WORLD. if i believed in a god, he'd probably hate me and want me to suffer all kinds of pain D:

my recently shattered heart aside, this week has been a blast. i hate to say it but my mother was bearable for the most part, and we spent the start of the week preparing for our christmas bbq.

the bbq was more fun than i expected since at most of the other familial gatherings we've had, ive been put in charge of the family tyrants. ages 10 and under? guess who's in charge of them :D all 12 of them :D i made brandon do it this time by telling the littlies he was hiding jellybeans in his pockets, and by informing the slightly older ones of how he had just gotten a tattoo on his chest. seeing greedy and/or curious monsters dragging a screaming brandon to the ground by his shirt? priceless.

i have two favourite uncles, both of whom attended the bbq. one of them dotes on me and spends looots of money buying me presents, and the other has.. entertainment value. after 3 beers, he started making some kind of milkshake out of his fourth. he added baileys, coke and soda water, then asked me what else there was. i handed him a bottle of bbq sauce and he put that in too :L he asked me to try some, but i said no cos the top of the glass looked like vomit.

my auntie was doing everyone nails and i suppose he being drunk felt he should have his done too, so he left at the end of the day with each fingernail painted a different colour. he also sort of disappeared for about half an hour sometime during the afternoon. my other favourite uncle went out to his ute to get his smokes and nearly shat himself when he saw our very own missing person sleeping in the box at the back, with his butt in the air.

i got some wicked presents this year, including
dun dun der dunnnnnn AN ELECTRIC GUITAR :D
and its looks like this

an arctic white fender, with amp included. im still in the process of naming it so if you have any suggestions.. yeah.
other presents received ; messenger bag (now complete with revolting orange splotch), fiddy bucks from my auntie, pink rabens - lol, and lots of books.
not a bad haul i spose :D

anyway, in response to nikkis comment on my previous post - i only actually saw my timetable yesterday. we received it ages ago, but it somehow ended up on the desk we have in the spare room, so how was i to know i had mail? i saw the massive envelope from hahs realised my timetable had finally come ^^ i didnt get to look at it for long cos i had stuff to do but i remember vaguely what i had

2u maths - mr dillon -______-"
english - mr kolodjiez :D
senior science - ms jackson -_____-"
eco - mr gippel -________________________-"
legal/business i cant remember - ms milner
and some other person. ill have another look at it and post with more detail asap (: tell me if i have subjects with any of you (:

anyway, i hear an xbox calling me so ill leave it here for now.
gnight all (S)

/ julie.
saturday, 27th december, 2k8


Sunday, December 21, 2008

i need the song started over,
your crying made me miss my favourite part

(*) plays pretty for baby - saosin.

ive never been so good with this deep thinking thing. well not so much that i cant think deep about things, i get these random moments where everything starts to make sense. the problem with me is that i cant express what im saying in words. im trying though, so bear with me.

i watched house on wednesday night and it sort of got me thinking. we talked about this in english once too - how theres more to things than whats true and whats a lie. man, how do i say this. ok so yknow when someone tells you something, and you believe it? thats your truth. you cant call someone a liar if they say something that they think is right. right? cos they believed it too. everything is sort of.. relative. people's circumstances and things like that affect the way they look at stuff, and whats true to them. like if youre really poor, someone with a nice house and car and all that would seem rich to you. but if bill gates looked at that same person, he wouldnt think so. am i making sense? no, i didnt think so.


i forgot to talk about something so important in my previous post - school cert results :D
i paaaaasssed i passed! year ten is oooovveeeeeerrrr!
sdivlwaknfdlvq yay!
i did better than i expected, which is great. i think. hahaha. got band 5's for everything (even history!) except for english and computers where i got band 6's :D:D:D:D i dont think my SCHOOL report was quite as pleasing in my darling mother's eyes but thank god we got them back on the same day as the formal. she must've taken pity on me and decided i should have at least ONE day this year where she didnt yell at me (: everybody did real good of course. paul was ONE MARK off getting band 6 for all his subjects hahahaha sucked in. 89 for english paul, lool.

so yeah. next year, we are officially seniors. wicked.
anybody else ready to bully the latest batch of year 7's? i know i am >:)

i got to have a nice conversation with someone today. hi kevin (:
yknow how you meet someone randomly over the internet, and you just know that theyre the kind of person who'd be easy to talk to? yeah, thats him. who said everyone on the internet was evil? thats only like, two thirds. LOL @ ALPER.

/ julie.
sunday, 21st december, 2k8
4 more sleeps.



soooooooo. yknow when you havent seen someone in ages, and when you finally get to see them again, theres this sorta .. awkward silence? sometimes. this is like that. ive been dying to blog again, so much has happened. i dont really want to go into too much detail on all the shit thats happened. tbh, its cos i cant. you all know how hard it is for me to remember things. my life is just so exciting! ive been sitting on my ass for the past week or so doing nothing but playing my ds. damn im cool :D

so yeah, first things first.

foooooorrrmmaaaalll! i was so excited when it was coming but i suppose once i was there, the novelty of it all just sort of faded. the girls came over to mine as planned and we all got our nails, makeup and hair done. we got driven to school half of us in my car, half in tiens. i suppose the night overall was okay. better than any of us expected, im sure, since we all expected it to be shitttttttt as. the food was predictably crap but once we all got to dancing it was fun. then again, we could've danced anywhere and still have had a blast.

one thing that came up randomly throughout the night (between me, amanda and mariam anyway) was FLEH. fleh photos are the win :L it was one of those things you had to be there for.. a "you had to be there" thing.


jamie and julie (not me, im not in any of these)

betch and sarah

roderick and quyen

john and tien

herrick and andrew quinn slowdancing (:

brendan and.. andrew do.

nina, shirley & anna

blosia and joanna

mechan and norman ; it doesnt matter if youre black or white


paul in the clothes i picked out (:
except for the shoes, i swear i had nothing to do with them.

kevin, wearing the suit jacket i got him.

john and jonny - loooool. king kong and naomi watts?

yes, they are meant to planes/choppers.


i really really really wanted to go to claudias afterparty, just cos the formal was nowhere near as good as a formal should be, and just to do something fun with sarah before she goes back to stupid wagga. wagga, which is 5 hours away D:

i miss you sarah farrell ;_; even though you are probably playing world of warcraft 18 hours a day or more, only taking breaks to shit, and not even thinking about me at all :(

so what else um
well on wednesday, i went to livo to watch twilight :D it was all sort of hurriedly organised so we didnt really know exactly what was going on. SHIT LOL i just remembered about the two days before wednesday

..monday. and tuesday.

i went to school even though i didnt have to :D it was worth it though. the point of me, paul and andrew do coming to school was to finish the yearbook we'd been working on for aaages. you'd think we had better things to do at the start of our holidays but mr marsh and ms beek made it well worth our while. whiles? while.

on monday, quyen turned up and joined our room 12 crew. we were hungry by recess so quyen and i went across the line to grab some wedges. yummy :D at lunchtime, mr marsh bought us the pizza we were promised. 3 super supreme pizzas :D maddddd. on thursday, only me and paul ended up coming, but we got a box of chocolates each :D im gonna miss marshy and ms beek. they were like the coolest teachers at our damned school.

anywho, back to wednesday.
basically, i had no idea what or who to expect at the cinema. turns out from all the people we invited, we ended up with just me, amanda, justine and winnie. it was still good though. mariam told us the movie was shittttt but i didnt find it that bad. to be honest,i think mariam probably sat there the entire time and compared it to the book. we all knew the movie couldnt have been anywhere NEAR as good as twilight the book but you might as well enjoy it right?

i have to admit that when i first heard robert pattinson was playing edward, i was sort of disappointed. he's so ugly D: but i guess he kinda grew on me as the movie went on. like a beard :D:D he was so cute in that scene with the sunglasses. like way cute. hahaha. i didnt scream about it though. unlike some other people in the cinema.

after the movie for some stuuuupid reason, all four of us minus me had to jet off to chinese school >:/ so im standing there wondering like wth do i do now. i ran into quyen and kevin though so all good :D we went EPI to meet up with dannis, quoc, so the boys could play pool and that. this humongous fob guy kind of invited himself into their game but its not like they wouldve said no. he was BIG. everyone left one by one until it was just me and kevin, so we walked around a bit more and then just caught the train back home.

i went latenight with my mum on thursday, which was uneventful for the most part. i ran into lannie who was shopping with her sister. HI LANNIE :D and i also got some new books - "one for the money" by janet evanovich and "tales of beedle the bard" by jk rowling. i finished reading them both in two days. thanks mariam for introducing me to the stephanie plum series :D joe morelli is the sex.

i havent done much since, mostly just play my ds. haha. my latest ds obsession is MySims Kingdom. good game :L when im not playing my ds, im playing cs. or reading or sleeping or eating or watching tv i guess. interesting existence? hahaha.

foshiz post asap.

/ julie.
sunday, 21st december, 2k8
4 more sleeps.


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