my recently shattered heart aside, this week has been a blast. i hate to say it but my mother was bearable for the most part, and we spent the start of the week preparing for our christmas bbq.
the bbq was more fun than i expected since at most of the other familial gatherings we've had, ive been put in charge of the family tyrants. ages 10 and under? guess who's in charge of them :D all 12 of them :D i made brandon do it this time by telling the littlies he was hiding jellybeans in his pockets, and by informing the slightly older ones of how he had just gotten a tattoo on his chest. seeing greedy and/or curious monsters dragging a screaming brandon to the ground by his shirt? priceless.
i have two favourite uncles, both of whom attended the bbq. one of them dotes on me and spends looots of money buying me presents, and the other has.. entertainment value. after 3 beers, he started making some kind of milkshake out of his fourth. he added baileys, coke and soda water, then asked me what else there was. i handed him a bottle of bbq sauce and he put that in too :L he asked me to try some, but i said no cos the top of the glass looked like vomit.
my auntie was doing everyone nails and i suppose he being drunk felt he should have his done too, so he left at the end of the day with each fingernail painted a different colour. he also sort of disappeared for about half an hour sometime during the afternoon. my other favourite uncle went out to his ute to get his smokes and nearly shat himself when he saw our very own missing person sleeping in the box at the back, with his butt in the air.
i got some wicked presents this year, including
dun dun der dunnnnnn AN ELECTRIC GUITAR :D
and its looks like this

an arctic white fender, with amp included. im still in the process of naming it so if you have any suggestions.. yeah.
other presents received ; messenger bag (now complete with revolting orange splotch), fiddy bucks from my auntie, pink rabens - lol, and lots of books.
not a bad haul i spose :D
anyway, in response to nikkis comment on my previous post - i only actually saw my timetable yesterday. we received it ages ago, but it somehow ended up on the desk we have in the spare room, so how was i to know i had mail? i saw the massive envelope from hahs realised my timetable had finally come ^^ i didnt get to look at it for long cos i had stuff to do but i remember vaguely what i had
2u maths - mr dillon -______-"
english - mr kolodjiez :D
senior science - ms jackson -_____-"
eco - mr gippel -________________________-"
legal/business i cant remember - ms milner
and some other person. ill have another look at it and post with more detail asap (: tell me if i have subjects with any of you (:
anyway, i hear an xbox calling me so ill leave it here for now.
gnight all (S)
/ julie.
saturday, 27th december, 2k8